Where at a snake the beginning of a tail

Where at a snake the beginning of a tail

There is a curious delusion as if dragons consist only of the heads and tails. In fact the snake tail makes only twenty percent from all its length.

The biggest snake on the planet. Anaconda

The biggest snake on the planet. Anaconda

The anaconda is considered the largest snake on all globe. Treats to family of boas. Average length is 6-8 meters. There are larger individuals reaching in length of 9-10 meters. The weight of such snake can reach 250 kg. A light color, with brown-green big dark stains. The anaconda very much likes to be in damp forests, more precisely in the rivers and swamps of these woods.

Why wolves howl

Why wolves howl

They say, wolves howl from loneliness and melancholy. Also do not howl it at all, and the most real crying. The person likes to do beautiful from what most often it feel ill at ease. And wolf howl frightens outright. But why then actually wolves howl? Really cry? Or it something else?

How to recognize a venomous snake

How to recognize a venomous snake

Statistically, in the world there are about 4 thousand species of snakes, about 10% from them are poisonous. Every year in the world about 40 thousand people perish from stings of venomous snakes. The high rate of mortality from meetings with these creations is registered in Brazil and in India. In the USA about 15 people in a year perish from stings of such snakes. Isolated cases of death of people from venomous snakes are recorded in Europe.

As wolves howl to the moon

As wolves howl to the moon

The wolf is considered one of the cleverest animals on the earth. Wolves are capable not only to individual, but also to collective activity. Wolves both live in flocks, and hunt together, and together care for the interests of the clan. And still wolves quite often together howl to the moon.