The shelled skin – problem of many women. However not everyone precisely knows what she should be done, and some neglect this process at all. If have noticed that skin has begun to be shelled, begin to treat it if you do not want unpleasant consequences.
1. First of all, get rid of all means which part alcohol or which have to work as drying and fighting against greasy luster is. Now to you absolutely to anything excess irritants of skin as time they could become the reason of dryness and peeling of your skin. Also refuse soap in favor of gels or skins for washing with the moistening effect because usual soap very strongly dries skin and leads to its imbalance owing to what there is peeling, irritation and other problems.
2. Also attend to the food and way of life. It is the best of all to exclude from diet fat, salty, sweet, or at least to reduce their quantity, having replaced with fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Consult to the doctor, perhaps, business not so bad weather or soap – as a rule, many diseases first of all are reflected in condition of skin, so, it is necessary to restore health, and after to undertake purchase of the moisturizing creams.
3. When all harmful cosmetics is removed, and you are sure that problems not from your health, it is possible to start safely for the choice of useful care products for face skin. You need the moistening means for oily skin, taking into account age and, surely, with mark "natural cosmetics". Except cream there have to be moistening and peeling masochka for the person, and also soft srubs for washing. Besides, you watch that cosmetics did not contain alcohol.
4. Correctly and the systematized use of care products for the person – important point in skin treatment. Many think that if to smear cream more fatly since morning, then it is not obligatory to do it in the evening. Accustom themselves to clean and moisturize the skin at least twice a day. The moisturizing cream should be used after each washing. Try to indulge several times a week yourself masks, and here for a while exclude steam baths. Also remember that it is impossible to wash hot water – water has to be room temperature.
5. Use the help of the nature. Of course, various cosmetics for moistening – it is good and it is useful, but where as the bigger effect can be reached, having noted grandmother's recipes. Very well moisturizes and olive oil, and even creamy feeds the skin. Masks from dairy products and honey not only humidify, but also calm skin, heal and bleach. Wipings by ice cubes from broths of herbs, tea or fruit juice enrich skin with vitamins, tone up and give healthy look. It is possible to list possibilities of natural products eternally.