Owners of ideally pure leather with great color and equal tone exist only on covers of fashionable magazines. Even models are forced to fight for beauty of the person, getting rid of red spots. Of course, not all women have big problems with skin, but the majority should eliminate defects systematically.
1. The most widespread sources of red specks on face is acne rash, eels, pimples. Girls for years get rid of pimples, and then they should eliminate unpleasant redness and even small scars in places where recently the heat-spot "flaunted". Before applying any given cosmetics, it is worth understanding the reasons of emergence not only eels, but also red spots. Especially as spots are not always consequence of acne. It can be allergic reaction. Dermatologists and cosmetologists state a number of the reasons for which on face skin there are spots of red color. It can be reaction to incorrectly picked up cosmetics, allergy to food, response to cold or the sun, skin diseases, illnesses of internals, endocrine diseases, consequence of hormonal violations, weak immunity, avitaminosis, consequences of smoking or intake of alcohol, low resistance to stress, infectious diseases.
2. You should not wait until spots pass independently. It is better to address the expert at once. The dermatologist who will find the reason and will help to eliminate it deals with problems of skin. It is important to watch regularity of rashes and to correlate this process to factors which are connected with periodic changes. The doctor should telling about the diet and way of life. It is necessary to undergo inspection which will reveal allergy to certain products or drugs, hormonal deviations.
3. How it is possible to get rid of redness or spots? Depending on the reasons, the external condition of face skin can be improved in different ways. They will be based on the individual recommendations of the doctor. But the main thing is as follows: it is necessary to adjust process of healthy nutrition. It is worth limiting itself in consumption of sweet, fried, fat, smoked and alcohol. It is important to exclude the spicy and put too much salt food, marinated products from diet. And at the same time to add more vegetables, fruit and dairy products By doctor's advice it is necessary to spend on drink rate of vitamins.
4. To stop for a while use of habitual cosmetics to be convinced that there is no allergy to it. To wipe face after washing with ice cubes. It tones up skin and activates exchange processes in it. It is possible to freeze anti-inflammatory tinctures on grass basis. Once a week it is necessary to perform the cleaning procedures directed to skin updating. It is possible to prepare simple srub in house conditions. Take small salt and mix with honey, with circular motions apply to previously steamed out skin, avoiding eye area, wash away warm water. You should not wash hot water, and it is better to use for this purpose boiled water. From the crane water with chlorine and other harmful impurity often flows. It is necessary to drink more clear water, having included in diet and mineral water without gas. It will distil from organism toxins, and from skin through time dirt.
5. The best recipes from red spots on face are described in reference books of traditional medicine. These means can help in combination with the general therapy of elimination of the reasons of rashes and red spots on face. The main treatment will be registered by the dermatologist, concerning national treatment it is worth consulting to it.
6. Garlic tincture. It is necessary to clean and crush garlic head. To add 200 ml of medical alcohol. To insist in closet or the storeroom during few weeks and to use medicine as lotion daily in the morning and in the evening. Previously it is worth testing tincture, having made lotions on internal bend of elbow. If reddenings or irritations have not appeared, means allergies do not and means can be applied.
7. Honey mask. The spoon of liquid honey and as much sour cream is required. To mix these ingredients and to add to them couple of drops of lemon juice and spoon of olive oil. To make 15-minute mask. To wash away cool water. Frequency of procedures – 2-3 times a week.
8. Vitamin mask. Ingredients for preparation the same, as in the previous recipe, only with addition of one of liquid vitamins (And or E). They are on sale in drugstore, it is necessary to add 5-6 drops. If there are no allergic reactions that can be checked on elbow bend, such mask can be done once a week.
9. Children's cream in fight against red spots. This mask will require 7 ml of cream, 5 ml of infusion of camomile, 5 ml of olive oil. To mix everything, to put on the cleaned face. To take 7-10 minutes, to remove napkin, to wash.
10. Cottage cheese mask. The spoon of liquid honey, 80 g of cottage cheese, 5 ml of fresh juice of lemon is required. To mix everything and to impose on skin in the form of mask for 10 minutes. Previously means needs to be tested as there can be allergic reaction to lemon juice.
11. Perfectly parsley broth fights against spots of any origin. Masks with its addition do long ago. It is necessary to draw parsley bunch in 50 ml of boiled water half an hour and to merge infusion in separate ware. To mix tincture with sour cream in its such quantity to bring mix to dense consistence. To impose on skin, to wash away in half an hour.
12. Grain mask. To fill in small piece of black bread with tincture of calendula and camomile (each ingredient on spoon). To soak crumb and to put on face as mask.