The make-up for brides has to be special - it has to keep all day, to look gentle, but at the same time to give to the bride brightness. Consider that you have to look good also in numerous photos. It is possible to create the necessary image and without the aid of professionals. The main thing is to choose the correct cosmetics and to accurately apply it.
The wedding make-up should not be ultrafashionable. Leave red eye shadow, silvery lipstick and false eyelashes of the unnatural sizes to other case. On the wedding day the show will be run by classics. Fresh skin with gentle flush, bright lips and big mysterious eyes - here safe image which will be pleasant also to you, both the groom, and numerous guests.
Choice of color
For wedding make-up choose natural shades. Your person has to look equally effectively at day and artificial lighting. Exclude too light tone for lips and eyes - they will give you tired face. Also excessively dark shades adding flying even to the most young bride will not approach. The best option - cosmetics strengthening your natural paints.
Be careful with the sparkling textures - at day lighting they will look too roughly, and on photo will give undesirable patches of light. Instead of highlighters and glossy gloss use the means with soft satin texture creating effect of the skin shining health. Dip unnecessary gloss by means of friable powder veil and big fluffy brush. Consider that flashlights will strengthen pink shade of skin. Hide it by means of yellowish foundation or base. Leave pink color for lips - brides will be is ideal by shades of plum, strawberry or raspberry. Keep blush in the same scale - the make-up will look especially fashionably.
Features of wedding make-up
Before causing tone well moisten face. The make-up imposed on dry skin ruthlessly will emphasize all its roughnesses. The shelled leather before toning can be processed light exfoliant. That sudden tears have not spoiled make-up, use waterproof products. Indelible shadows, eyeliner and ink will provide fresh look for all day. That eyelashes looked especially effectively, twist them before coloring. Refuse accurate contours. Slightly pound eyeliner the applicator, you apply lipstick with fingertips. Such make-up looks is more modern and perfectly emphasizes gentle charm of the bride. Take with yourself capacious make-up bag with friable powder, big fluffy brush, lipstick, eyeliner and the matting napkins. During the day the make-up should be corrected - you have to be fully equipped.