Intensive food of hair part of the head allows to increase density of hair significantly. At the same time it is necessary to feed bulbs not only dear cosmetic and medical structures. Good results can achieve by means of usual massage of head skin at which the blood-groove and exchange processes in the field of bulbs increases.
Evening ritual
Not everyone knows that head skin needs the continuous tactile influence leading to increase in blood-groove in this zone. Stroking by massage hairbrush as at long contact with head skin, it can injure epidermis is not suitable for these purposes. The optimum massager for head skin – own fingers.
The best time for the procedure – evening, for hour before washing of the head. Active study of hair part increases production of skin fat which continues still some time after massage. Therefore after the procedure the hair can look very carelessly.
Before massage it is better to air well the room to increase oxygen content in blood.
Technology of massage
Sit down on chair and cast away the head back. With circular motions at first work temporal zone and forehead, gradually passing to the line of growth of hair. It is important to observe easy pressing, without stretching skin. Fingertips have to adjoin densely to skin and mass it, but not stretch.
Both hands pass across all temporal area, then pass to occipital. Those at whom characteristic high temples are outlined in nape zone should mass this area especially carefully. It is necessary to finish massage in neck.
Further we pass to pandiculation which is also called airing. For this movement it is necessary to take small lock of hair and to poorly pull it up – against growth of hair. It is important not to use excess efforts not to damage to hair bulbs. It is so necessary to walk by all hair part of the head.
Finishing massage face – effleurages. It is run four fingers of both hands. Movements also begin with temporal and front zones along temples and come to the end on neck.
It is possible to strengthen this phase by means of effleurage on hair partings. For this purpose it is necessary to comb hair, having made hair parting on the center – carefully to work it pokolachivayushchy movements on all to length. Further to displace hair parting on half-centimeter and to repeat massage movements at first in left, and then to the right side.
After massage
It is possible to increase result from massage of head skin by means of oils of light texture. Treat them, cosmetic oils on burdock and castoric bases. To use these means it is in pure form rather problematic because they have dense texture and are badly washed away from hair.
Directly after the termination the horizontal position is better to adopt procedures and to give the chance to blood system to complete the hard work in hair zone of the head. Characteristic heat from massage has to pass within 30 minutes, and hour later it is possible to go to wash the head.
For achievement of visible effect it is regularly necessary to carry out massage of head skin – about 3 times a week.