From what age of the child it is possible to define the lefthander

From what age of the child it is possible to define the lefthander

Small children are capable to take objects two hands and, even growing up, some do not change the habits. It is not so simple to define among them the lefthander, but nevertheless there are some signs which will help parents to make it.

Why do parents so want to understand, the lefthander their child or not? Some are afraid whether it is necessary to retrain such child to hold objects only with the right hand in time. Some, on the contrary, secretly wish that the kid was not such as all. Not for nothing say that lefthanders more talented and versatile persons. And some just want to help the child to decide on the leading party and not to do much harm in development.

Watch behavior of the child

Whether the child a lefthander will be, is defined already during pregnancy, but this sign can not be shown still long time. Small children do not know with what hand it is necessary to eat and hold toys, at them features of a brain are that that kids can do everything by both hands. Therefore to tell definitely whether the kid is a lefthander, it is possible only by 3-4 years when his habits and tastes more or less settle. However and before this time it is possible to notice signs of similar preferences. Observe what hand the child reaches for toys what hand takes a spoon and in particular sweet, something tasty for him. Here already the reflex works and forward that palm which for certain will become in the future the leader lasts. If to watch closely the child, it is possible to notice the factors defining his leading side of a body by 6-12 months.

Therapists after carrying out some tests and observations can tell it even earlier - by 3-4 months of life of the kid. The fact is that the kid at the birth has so-called rudimentary reflexes which by 3 months vanish in the majority. However they disappear from the right and left side of the child not at the same time: from the leading side of a body the rudimentary reflexes disappear first of all, and linger on another. When the therapist systematically examines the kid, he can notice how his body reacts to this check. If rudimentary reflexes are more expressed on the right side, the child can quite be a lefthander and if with left - that the right-handed person.

Do not retrain the kid

If you noticed that your child holds a pencil, a spoon and other objects with the left hand, to you it is not necessary to be upset, to violently enjoy this fact. It is quite possible that it still will change the habit because to younger school age of addiction of the child are very plastic and at change of some living conditions can quite change. However even if you are not too glad to the fact that the small child can remain a lefthander, it is not necessary to retrain him. This not acquired, and congenital property, at the retrained lefthander the leading zones of a brain change and it can lead to complexes and complexity in training or self-determination of the child. Especially it is impossible to allocate somehow before the kid the fact that he is a lefthander. This absolutely normal situation and it is necessary to treat it calmly. Then the child by your example will not consider it something special and abnormal.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
