It is known that education of harmoniously developed personality – the main objective of pedagogics. Such task is called still ideal, meaning that the personality equally developed in every respect cannot be created. However it is worth aspiring to it. In any case, the tutor's task, whether it be the parent or the teacher – to create all conditions of harmonious development for the formed personality.
1. All-round development of the personality means formation of intellectual, moral, esthetic, labor and physical qualities of the personality in their close interrelation. Means that the personality developed harmoniously, it is necessary to pay whenever possible equal attention to all these five aspects in education.
2. To provide intellectual personal development, the child needs to give an opportunity to seize bases of scientific knowledge, to form logical thinking, ability to find regularities in course of processes and the phenomena of the world around. It is necessary to teach the child to the main cogitative operations, such as analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization. It is necessary to train the growing-up person in methods of self-education: to ability to organize process of intellectual work, to rules of rational distribution of time, effective ways of information search, etc. All this, finally, will promote formation of scientific outlook. It is necessary to consider that intellectual personal development is carried out not only in the course of training, say, at school, but also during the games, daily conversations with adults, independent observations of the world around phenomena.
3. For successful moral personal development it is necessary not just to acquaint the child with the moral laws of society and rules of conduct adopted in it but also to purposefully form skills of moral behavior. Only the personal example of close people is capable to convince the child that similar skills are not just the conventions accepted in society, and the effective mechanism of creation of kind relationship between people.
4. Labor education is in helping the child to realize need of work for successful life in society. It includes also formation of careful attitude to results of others work, and formation of a responsible attitude to business in which the child is engaged. Certainly, it is possible to refer to labor education also process of mastering the child elementary labor and household skills, and at later age – conscientious attitude to the choice of future profession.
5. It is necessary to understand formation at the child of art taste as esthetic education, its acquaintance to masterpieces of world culture. The task of the adult is to help the young person to learn to see fine in art, in surrounding reality and to derive pleasure from his perception. A considerable role is played here also by development of creative abilities of the child: training in playing musical instruments, to singing, choreography, methods of the fine arts.
6. For successful physical training it is necessary to form at the child the useful habits characterizing a healthy lifestyle to teach him carefully and to show consideration for the body, to train in skills of maintenance of physical health and development of resources of an organism.
7. It is natural that an integrated approach is necessary for harmonious all-round development: it is impossible to care, for example, today for intellectual, and tomorrow – for esthetic development of the child. All sides of this process are closely interconnected among themselves, and, developing, the child learns to comprehend both harmony of physical movements, and logicality of moral postulates, and beauty and wisdom of constructive labor.