Creation of children's projects bears in itself the mass of the developing opportunities: from knowledge new to ability to plan and present the activity. But at the beginning, certainly, this work has to take place under the leadership of adults, differently from where to such valuable abilities undertake? Therefore adults have to approach children's projects accurately, helping, advising, but without performing work for the child at all.
1. Think over the project purpose. The project – any activities for creation of a certain product which are interesting to the child. For example, if the child is interested in origami, then you can make with it the park of animals in the equipment of origami or make the short training movie for schoolmates. I.e. at first think over what result you want to receive in yours with the child of design activity. It can be also the presentation, result of a research in the form of a selection of recommendations, etc.
2. Think over the plan of work. What you need to begin with first of all what questions to study or light during further work? Perhaps, you happened to write course or the thesis? And so, the children's project – practically the same scientific work, only in a children's format. Therefore be guided by the same principles: create the short theoretical part consisting of introduction, the main material and the conclusion. Teach the child to collect data, to analyze whether they suit a subject of the project or not, to reformulate by the own words and to have in the correct order. For children's work of material take a minimum (entertaining facts, the history of origin) that the child did not lose interest.
3. Further you pass to a practical part of the project. Most likely, certain skills will be necessary for you (and there is more to child) for its realization: motor, technical. Make the list of those abilities which should learn – it will be your tasks. For example, to work in the editor of the presentations, to master production of new models, etc. At this stage your role will be helping, try to allocate special time for the project and to do together with the child, but not instead of it. You can be also the assistant to the child, for example, to shoot the video, to select the text and to help to sound it. You can do together with it difficult models, photograph result and create the brochure, for example.
4. Finally issue the project and rehearse his protection (presentation) with the child. The child has to tell within about 5 minutes, than his work what benefit it will bring others is interesting and to show highlights. And in what look there will take place the presentation – in the form of demonstration of slides, the movie, the model, model or the wall newspaper – completely in the power of your imagination.