If your child autist

If your child autist

Until recently was considered that the diagnosis "autism" is a sentence for the child as he will never be able normally to develop and live. However for quite some time now the situation became much better. Psychologists and physicians around the world find ways how to help the autistic child to feel joy of life.

Autism – a mysterious and poorly studied disease. Fortunately, experts in this area claim that "classical" autists meet seldom, and generally at children only separate symptoms of this disease are shown. At the same time the modern medicine allows to solve successfully many problems of autism so that this diagnosis will not threaten the child with the crippled life. The main thing in this case to define autism at an early stage.

If you suspected that your child differs in behavior or development from other children, then it is necessary to address the children's neuropsychiatrist first of all. The doctor will carry out comprehensive survey to define presence of autism at your child. After that he will develop the individual program of the adjusting education and treatment. But the main thing nevertheless remains for you – for parents. You should not be afraid of the child and the fact that he will remain defective. Believe in him and show patience and kindness.

It is very important to create emotional and psychological comfort that it was not left by feeling of safety and self-confidence for the autistic child. Only in such situation it is possible to begin training in new forms of behavior and to skills. At the same time learn to watch the kid and to analyze his behavior. Understand that it is difficult to it to live in this world therefore you should not be sharp if a lot of things are impossible to the child. Very often autistic children refuse to talk or express the emotions aloud. In this case the parent should begin to call independently aloud all objects which the child concerns then over time kind of "to forget" some name that he provokes the kid to break a psychological barrier and to pronounce a proper word. Get puzzles, puzzles, a lotto and the other developing games. You are not lazy to spend the time together with the child behind a game. In many cities the special training for childrenautists- centers are created. Visit such institution with the child and choose for it several classes. It can be drawing, a molding, theater and many other things. The trained experts who by games help with development of fine motor skills, the speech and skills of self-service, as a rule, work with children in such centers. Plus is also that the child will be able to communicate with other children that will improve his social interaction.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
