At all times it was possible to observe various methods of manipulation. They are shown in all spheres of activity of the person and can be absolutely different force of influence. Experts quite fairly note that manipulation is a certain method of mental influence which can be realized and carried out at purely subconscious level.
In a broad sense, such concept as manipulation, means impact which had on the personality. This word is widely broadcast to such area as the NLP where there is a statement that to some extent manipulate always and all. For this reason, it is possible to note quite fairly that any form of similar influence, this certain psychological influence.
Speaking about this concept, it is possible to give such banal examples which in human life meet almost every day. Being in public transport, at a concession to the grandmother of the place, mental impact is made, in fact, conceding it just pushes to that it took free space, it is manipulation. When the acquaintance or just the passerby smiling greets, it wants that or not, but exercises certain control of the interlocutor, and he automatically smiles.
From everything told above, it is possible to note that each person manipulates everywhere and always, but this concept is right, only if to speak in a broad sense this word. If to consider process more carefully, it becomes clear that the statement based that manipulation is carried out always – mistakenly. Speaking in other words, not in all situations the influence or influence will consist in this concept. For example, the direct order of the director of the company will not be manipulation, these are usual duty regulations which have to be without fail executed. It is possible to draw a conclusion that different impacts on the person can be divided into hidden and open, and so manipulations belong strictly to the hidden method of influence.
The fact that manipulate always and in all situations, it it is no secret, but not everyone is engaged in it. Some part of people does it, without noticing, another intentionally tries to live and be in harmony with people around most honestly therefore by all possible methods tries to avoid similar influences. It is incorrect to consider the described influence method deception. It is based that manipulation as a method of psychological influence, can be constructed without use in its basis of deception. Methods of such plan in hands of parents, tutors or other decent people are directed, as a rule, not against the interests of the person or child. Any manipulation is a certain tool and as it is used and for what purpose, already person defines. Careful and quick-witted people practice exclusively positive and constructive influences.