What fast food can be made for children

What fast food can be made for children

When in the house small children, everything goes head over heels. Time sometimes is not enough even for the simplest and daily affairs, for example, to cook a full-fledged dinner. But children's appetite – the terrible disaster ready to turn back at any time against you if in time not to satisfy it. Therefore good mom and the hostess always has to have near at hand several recipes of fast dishes for a children's table.

Fast food usually is associated with fast food, noodles and sandwiches. But it at all not so, especially if it comes to children. Baby food has to be the most nutritious, balanced and useful. Moreover and fast, as in this case. Recipes, actually fast and useful to children, enough. It is worth thinking over, looking round around, to remember a table of your grandmother. And here it – already two-three quick useful dishes is in your arsenal.

Pasta dishes

Milk soup Is suitable for any children's age, since 1.5 years. Always you keep in the house thin vermicelli – a spider line. She prepares in only a few minutes. Bring 1 liter of milk to boiling and salt. Throw into it two-three full handfuls of noodles spider line. Put a pan on slow fire and a pokipyatita of minutes 5-10. Add a piece of butter and cool a little. Milk soup is ready. It is loved by almost all children. In it there are a protein, carbohydrates and fats. It is nourishing, tasty and to prepare in only 15-20 minutes.

LapshevnikOtvarite pasta. The version depends on age of the child. For kids it is the best of all to use noodles spider line. For more seniors any will approach. The interesting dish turns out with "feathers". Drain water from ready pasta and lay out them in the warmed-up deep frying pan oiled. Shake up in a glass 2 eggs with a small amount of milk or water and pour in pasta. Liquid has to cover pasta completely. From above strew a dish with grated cheese and send to well warmed oven for 15 minutes. The cooled-down lapshevnik it is possible to cut pieces as cake and to give with sour cream sauce.


The easiest way quickly to feed the child with porridge – to buy porridge of instant preparation in bags. Very tasty dish and besides useful. If such saving bag near at hand did not appear, take usual flakes (oat, "5 cereals" and so forth, but not semolina – from it are not enough advantage) and process about ½ glasses of this product in the electric coffee grinder. Pour 2/3 liters of milk in a pan, add up to 1 liter warm water and at once fill up the flakes processed in flour in milk. Carefully stir a nimbus (not false and a fork) and put on slow fire. You do not depart from a plate and constantly stir slowly pan contents, otherwise your porridge will burn. By the time of boiling of milk the dish will be already almost ready. Let's porridge prokipet 1-2 minutes and switch off a plate. Add salt, sugar and oil to taste. Children adore such food.


Omelet can be such tasty and appetizing that very few people from children will refuse it. It is just necessary to be able to cook it. Time for preparation leaves at most 30 minutes. Take the 2nd averages tomatoes, 1 onion, cut and fry in a frying pan. If desired it is possible to throw to them sausage pieces, but it already on your discretion and taste. While vegetables are cooked, break several eggs (on 2 children about 5 pieces are necessary) in deep capacity and shake up a nimbus or the mixer to foam. Add a little milk and well salt. The more milk, the omelet will longer be baked and the rykhly it will be. Pour out egg and dairy mix on a frying pan to tomatoes and onions. From above plentifully strew future omelet with any grade of hard cheese. Send to be baked in an oven for 10-15 minutes on strong fire. Omelet has to turn out very beautiful, ruddy and appetizing.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
