Irkutsk is the city northern, more than 600 thousand inhabitants live here, and the population actively grows little inhabitants. Two years ago in this city the natural increase of the population was recorded, and today the authorities try to make so that to little residents of Irkutsk it was comfortable in the big city.
1. The important place in social policy of local authorities is given to promotion of sport and a healthy lifestyle. Besides numerous, very quite good on equipment, stadiums, in Irkutsk in 2013 the first route for biathlon opened. To teenagers interesting not only to overcome a distance and to subdue a firing line, but also to look how professional athletes prepare for competitions.
2. It will be interesting to both adults, and children to pass along a route of the first ecological electric train: the station Irkutsk-passenger — Slyudyanka — Baikal port. Beauty of the local nature, slowness of the movement – perfect family holiday.
3. The Baikal forwarding case (Listvyanka, Kuznetsova, 17), Bars Motor-salon (Barricades, 24a/3) and also travel agency "Stalker" (Timiryazeva, 59) invite all to cross-country races. Here you can hire snowmobiles and ATVs. Mothers with kids can wait for adventurers in numerous cafes or take a walk in vicinities. Before New year of the territory of these bases are steadily decorated with garlands and light designs.
4. Numerous children's entertainment centers in Irkutsk will be to the taste to mischievous persons and fidgets. Teenagers will like Akula club, known in the city, where it is possible to play bowling while parents have excellent coffee in bistro.
5. With kids the professional animation team in Antoshka club will be engaged: the fancy-dress representations, games and competitions calculated on different age categories, the sea of balloons and a face painting to everyone.
6. The game theme park "Treasure island" will become the active playground for children, 6 years are more senior. Here a set of attractions, quests, animators quarterly enter new scenario games therefore children do not cease to be surprised to new adventures. And still children very much like to carry away with themselves the got treasures or artifacts.
7. It is possible to leave the growing-up computer geniuses for a couple of hours in computer club "Leader" on Red Army or "Best" in Boulevard Ryabikov.
8. Those who prefers rest of esthetes can go to regional puppet theater "Young stork". Actors go on tour much, but the theatrical season opens every year new statements, also the invited troupes are not rare on the stage. To your child dolls of theater which differ in brightness and a variety will by all means be remembered, in the foyer part of them it is even possible to touch and try to direct them, and therefore do not expect to leave quickly theater after representation.
9. The theater "Bravo!" is very popular with youth. It is a creative workshop of young artists who offer the viewer the uncommon reading of many works and also present statements.
10. In the summer and it is good to walk with children in the fall on a botanical garden which is located at the Irkutsk university. Adults will be struck by a collection of relic plants which to keep in local places very difficult. Will give to children pleasure to play outdoors. Visit also zoogallery on Baikal or a greenhouse "Tropic" where often there come exhibitions of monkeys, birds and rare butterflies.