Whether it is possible for pregnant women antiscorbutic vitamin

Whether it is possible for pregnant women antiscorbutic vitamin

 The most important of the substances coming to our organism is ascorbic acid which in translation designates is not present to a scurvy. Vitamin C – its only biologically active component therefore they are often identified. All know, this vitamin is how useful to the person, but as the organism of the pregnant woman reacts to it – this question is worthy separate discussion, and we will talk about it further.

Functions of vitamin C in an organism and advantage for pregnant women

Ascorbic acid plays such role in a human body:

  • creates conditions for collagen creation;
  • takes part in creation of serotonin and other hormones;
  • it is necessary for transformation of cholesterol and restoration of vitamin E;
  • lays the interferon formation foundation, strengthening immunity;
  • creates a basis for digestion of iron in thin department of intestines;
  • does not allow hemoglobin to connect to glucose at its surplus in blood;
  • cleans a liver from toxins;
  • helps an organism to struggle with a stress;
  • provides blood clotting in wounds;
  • strengthens walls of vessels, cardiac muscles;
  • it is necessary for transformation of fats to energy.

Whether you know? Not all nutritional supplements under sign E are harmful: E300-E305 additives is an ascorbic acid in the form of calcic, sodium, potash salt which bring that products were not oxidized.

The advantage of vitamin C for pregnant women is shown in the following:

  1. Skin becomes more elastic therefore the risk of emergence of extensions decreases.
  2. Muscles become more elastic therefore stretch in labor easier.
  3. In an organism of the pregnant woman the amount of blood increases that creates big load of vessels. Ascorbic acid influences the fortress of walls of vessels and interferes with peeling of a placenta, nasal blood losses, bleeding of gums.
  4. Improvement of blood circulation counteracts formation of a varicosity.
  5. It contributes to the normal development of nervous system of the kid.
  6. The immune system reacts to it strengthening of protective forces of an organism in relation to catarrhal diseases.
  7. Serotonin which is produced under its influence, is responsible for good mood of the pregnant woman, dopamine – for feeling of pleasure, and it is important for development of a fruit.
  8. Adrenaline and noradrenaline which production is influenced by antiscorbutic vitamin help to cope with a stress, the increased physical activities at childbirth.
  9. Increasing comprehensibility of iron, helps to provide the normal level of hemoglobin in blood and intake of oxygen in cages, interfering with developing of a hypoxia of a fruit.
  10. Protects from effect of hazardous substances.
  11. Influencing accession of glucose to hemoglobin, counteracts gestational diabetes.
  12. Participating in production of collagen and connecting fabric, promotes growth of cartilaginous and bone tissues of the kid, strengthens hair and nails of future mother.

The standard daily rate is in the family way

If couple plans conception, the strengthened intake of vitamin is recommended to men. However in the I trimester of pregnancy the women should avoid intake of vitamin supplements, it is enough to diversify food. During this period the immune system of future mother weakens that the organism did not tear away a fruit, perceiving it as a foreign matter. Additional intake of antiscorbutic vitamin can cause undesirable strengthening of the immune answer and feeling sick of the woman though researches on the raised doses were conducted only on rats and harm of overdose is not proved yet.

Whether you know? In 2017 the scientists from the Salfordsky university of Manchester established that by means of vitamin C it is possible to stop growth of malignant stem cells.

One of popular beliefs – by means of vitamin C can be interrupted pregnancy. If someone had an abortion, most likely, the set of several factors worked.

The doctor can recommend intake of ascorbic acid if the otsloyka of a placenta or on the person obvious symptoms of its lack of an organism is found. The shortcoming arises at the use less than 60 mg of antiscorbutic vitamin a day. The long deficiency of vitamin C can cause a scurvy (loss of teeth and bleeding owing to destruction of connecting tissue of gums).

Vitamins are substances which are necessary for an organism for normal activity. Consider in more detail about advantage of vitamins A, B, C, D, PP, E, N, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, F, U, P, T, K, F, N.

In II and III trimesters the enhanced immunity does not threaten with an abortion any more therefore according to the recommendation of the doctor it is possible to accept vitamins in addition. The day norm of vitamin C for pregnant women is 100 mg, including that which comes to the woman's organism with food.

Smoking worsens absorbability of vitamin C therefore the norm of its day use for the pregnant woman who continues to smoke is 135 mg.

There is also top limit of norm of the use making 2,000 mg a day.

Important! Hobby for ascorbic acid without the recommendation of the doctor can lead to the fact that the kid, receiving the raised doses in mother's womb, will feel after the delivery its shortage (cancellation reaction) and can get sick with a scurvy.

Combination to glucose

To pregnant women doctors often recommend to accept vitamin C together with glucose to strengthen its action:

  • to accelerate a metabolism;
  • to improve blood clotting;
  • to strengthen vessels;
  • to eliminate toxicosis consequences in the form of dehydration and to restore water and electrolytic balance;
  • to stop uterine bleedings.

Depending on age and a way of life of the woman daily she needs a certain set of vitamins. Consider in more detail what vitamins are necessary for health of the woman and what vitamins to protect an organism at a climax.

Such combination sick diabetes and insufficiency glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy is contraindicated.

In what products contains

Vitamin C is a part of food of plant origin: fruit, berries, vegetables, greens.

Fruit and berries

Most of all ascorbic acid in the following fruit and berries, mg on 100 g:

  • Barbados cherry (to 3300);
  • dogrose fresh (650);
  • sea-buckthorn, blackcurrant (200);
  • kiwi (90);
  • red mountain ash (70);
  • papaya, pomelo (61);
  • garden wild strawberry (60);
  • orange (60);
  • grapefruit (45);
  • lemon, white currant (40);
  • tangerine (38);
  • mango (36);
  • feijoa (33);
  • gooseberry (30);
  • cloudberries (29);
  • raspberry (25);
  • quince (23);
  • melon, blueberry, pineapple (20);
  • cherry, cranberry, cowberry, blackberry, mountain ash black, persimmon, sweet cherry (15);
  • apricot, avocado, banana, peach, bilberry, apples (10);
  • cherry plum (13);
  • grapes (6);
  • pear (5);
  • grenades (4).

Whether you know? Ascorbic acid is used for manifestation of photos.

Vegetables and greens

Vitamin C is incorporated by vegetables, mg on 100 g of a product:

  • red paprika (250);
  • green paprika (150);
  • Brussels sprout (120);
  • broccoli (90);
  • cauliflower (70);
  • red cabbage (60);
  • cabbage of a kohlrabi (50);
  • white cabbage (45);
  • swede, sauerkraut (30);
  • Beijing cabbage (27);
  • tomato, garden radish (25);
  • potatoes, turnip (20);
  • vegetable marrows (15);
  • onions, cucumber, beet, garlic (10);
  • eggplants, Savoy cabbage, carrots (5).

With vitamin C greens, mg are rich in 100 g of a product:

  • parsley (150);
  • fennel (100);
  • ramson (100);
  • garden cress (69);
  • spinach (55);
  • sorrel (43);
  • stalks of a celery (38);
  • leaves of a dandelion (35);
  • leek (35);
  • green onions (30);
  • cilantro (27);
  • basil (18);
  • lettuce leaves (15);
  • rhubarb (10).

Destruction of vitamin C at thermal treatment

During thermal treatment, vitamin C collapses therefore for reduction of its loss at preparation it is important to follow such rules:

  1. To heat on strong fire.
  2. To prepare in the enameled ware.
  3. When cooking to lower vegetables in boiled water.
  4. Not to cut vegetables, and to cook them entirely.
  5. It is more preferable to bake or fry vegetables, than to cook.
  6. To acidify water when cooking (for example, tomato paste).
  7. Not to digest.

Destruction takes place at all types of heat treatment and also at storage. The more time passes from the moment of gathering fruit or vegetables until the use, the more vitamin C is destroyed.

Pharmaceutical forms

In pharmacy chain, ascorbic acid is on sale in such versions:

  • solution for injections;
  • dragee;
  • chewable tablets;
  • sparkling tablets;
  • powder.

For health of future child it is very important to learn what vitamins to drink to the woman, the man when planning pregnancy and what vitamins are necessary for pregnant women.

Solution for injections

Solution in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml includes 50 or 100 mg of vitamin C (5 or 10% solution) and also sodium a hydrocarbonate, sodium metabisulphite, dinatrium edetat and water for injections. It is necessary at:

  • bleedings;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • infections;
  • changes;
  • intoxications;
  • increased loads;
  • not healing wounds;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • dystrophies;
  • nadpochechnikovy insufficiency.

Solution is entered intramuscularly or intravenously (struyno or through a dropper). If medicine is appointed in the form of a dropper, it is dissolved in chloride sodium solution (physical solution).

At pregnancy in the beginning usually appoint no more than 300 mg a day, and in 10-15 days reduce up to 100 mg.

Important! As much as possible for 1 time it is possible to enter no more than 200 mg of vitamin, and per day – no more than 500 mg.


Dragees with ascorbic acid are small balls of yellow color and citrus taste, 1 such dragee includes 50 mg of vitamin C. It is used at pregnancy in number of 6 pieces a day, with the subsequent reduction in 10-15 days up to 2 pieces.

Chewable tablets

The round flat tablets with an orange flavor of a pink-orange shade intended for chewing contain 0.5 g of ascorbic acid, sorbite, aspartame, cellulose, fragrance and other excipients. To pregnant women in such look and such dosage are not appointed.

It is recommended to learn features of influence on a female body of vitamin A and E.

Sparkling tablets

One sparkling tablet of yellow color with orange dots contains 250 or 1000 mg of ascorbic acid, a sodium hydrocarbonate (baking soda), sodium salt, sucrose, dye, fragrance and other components.

At pregnancy the dosage of 1000 mg is not appointed. One tablet of vitamin C a dosage of 250 mg should be dissolved in a glass of boiled water, it is not necessary to chew it. Accept on 1 glass from 10 to 15 days.


Vitamin C is packaged in bags on 500 or 1000 mg in the form of powder which needs to be dissolved in 0.5 l or 1 l of boiled water respectively. It is recommended to pregnant women to accept 0.5 glasses of the dissolved powder a day, in some cases the doctor can appoint reception of 1 glass.

It is known that vitamins are very useful to health. Read about what vitamins are necessary to the feeding mothers, children, teenagers, all family and to athletes.


Intake of ascorbic acid is contraindicated in such cases:

  1. Allergy to medicine.
  2. Predisposition to formation of blood clots.
  3. Diabetes, gestational diabetes.
  4. Diseases of kidneys of difficult character.
  5. Predisposition to formation of stones in kidneys, existence in the anamnesis of cases of formation of stones.
  6. Intolerance of fructose (for a dragee).
  7. The hemochromatosis, talassemiya and other problems connected with violation of absorbability of iron in an organism.
  8. Malignant tumors.

So, ascorbic acid is of great importance for health of pregnant women and them yet not been born kids. To provide with it an organism, food has to be various, contain vegetables, fruit, berries, greens, and reception in the form of medicines has to take place under observation of the doctor.

Video: whether it is possible for pregnant women ascorbic acid

Reviews of users of network of whether it is possible ascorbic acid at pregnancy

Vitamin C during pregnancy is not contraindicated, I drank all the time. Only vitamin A is contraindicated in the first trimester much. I am a fan of these candies antiscorbutic vitamins and in the first trimester when toks already released more or less - but sometimes nausea rolled - I escaped these antiscorbutic vitamins - now the B is 37 weeks old, with the baby everything is all right. So On health!



Business in not in allergenicity (vitamin C - allergen?). Formation of hypersensibility happens at the known degree of a maturity of the immune system of a fruit which is reached approximately to 22 weeks of pre-natal development. Just an overdose badly, as well as all vitamins, except a folka. Glut ascorbic acid (vitamin C) at pregnancy can lead to developing of various pathologies and even to an abortion. But it in what quantities it is necessary to use vitamin which is easily washed away from an organism that there was an overdose. The lack of this vitamin is harmful too. There is suitable article: http://baby-i-mama.ru/vitamin-c.html



And with care about vitamin C speak that it is allergen not to go too far in a dose and did not pour out you. And if to listen to those who say that vitamin C can cause an allergy in the child - that is not a fact in evidence at all!



it is impossible in high doses, actually as well as other vitamins



I am a fan too such which as usual tablets and if also with glucose, so in general I can whole to bank for time devour. In the first pregnancy there was a period when TAAK wanted that I came into drugstore, bought whole to bank and went ate one for another. With the child everything is all right, an allergy never suffered.



To me in general vitamin C dripped in hospital, it there couples condenses or on the contrary dilutes blood, it is necessary accurately, can even consult to the doctor.



Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
