How to make eyelashes are longer

How to make eyelashes are longer

fluffy eyelashes it and is beautiful, and it is useful. Eyelashes serve as natural protection of eyes against dirt, dust, mechanical damages. Throughout ages of the woman looked for way to make eyelashes longer and more dense to give to look the additional depth and dramatic nature. Today there are dozens of ways to reach the desirable – medicines, make-up, special oils, eyelash extension and the grandmother's recipes checked by time.

How to grow up eyelashes

How to grow up eyelashes

girl dreams to have long and dense eyelashes. But only some are able to afford such luxury, another needs only to be looked and admired. And why so? Long cilia can be grown up in house conditions, only for this purpose it is necessary to make a few efforts. Eyelashes it is possible to grow approximately in 4-8 weeks, but on the first week of use of means you will see positive result.

Than expensive cosmetics is better cheap

Than expensive cosmetics is better cheap

cosmetics favourably differs from cheap in the quality. Besides, it is packed into more expensive cases and jars. Women with the high level of prosperity steadily choose quality cosmetic products even if and at higher price.

What cosmetics the most popular

What cosmetics the most popular

producers of cosmetics represent to attention of consumers the widest range of the products. To choose from it really quality goods quite difficult therefore specialized resources periodically conduct population surveys for the purpose of drawing up annual rating of the most popular cosmetics.

Waterproof cosmetics: advantage or harm

Waterproof cosmetics: advantage or harm

of waterproof cosmetics allows to keep make-up during long time. Unfortunately, it is quite harmful to skin therefore it is not recommended to use resistant cosmetics often.