How to define the address on ah-p

How to define the address on ah-p

Any of the computers connected to network has the unique IP address. It helps to identify the user leaving on the Internet. It is possible to try to recognize location of any computer by its IP address.

It is required to you

  • - Internet access;
  • - services of special services


1. Need to learn the address of the remote machine can arise in different cases, for example, at detection of suspicious connections to your computer. In this case check the list of connections by means of the netstat command – aon, having entered it in the command line (console). Pay attention to the "foreign address" column in which the IP addresses to which it is connected now will be specified or your computer connected.

2. Define the website IP address, using the ping command. Enter it into the command line in the following format: imya_sayt ping. For example, to find out the IP address of Google, specify the following in the command line: ping, then click Enter. There will be an exchange of packages of the website, and in the first lines its IP address will be specified.

3. To learn where the computer is located, contact one of the network services providing the corresponding services. For example, it can be IP-1 resource providing a set of useful tools. Go to the Geokodirovaniye tab and enter the IP address into the offered line, then click "Display on the Card". The window with the card on which the place of physical finding of the computer will be specified will open.

4. But such way not always allows to set location of the computer really. For example, you know the IP address of your interlocutor or understood that the hacker was connected to your machine. Having entered this IP address to the field of the above-stated service, you will just see a point on the map though really it will be of no use because your interlocutor, and especially the hacker can use the proxy server which location you also receive.

5. For definition of whether this IP address is the proxy server address, resort to services of RIPE Network Coordination Centre. Add ip to the line RIPE Database and as a result you obtain sufficient information on the address which interested you. Nevertheless, at best it will be the address of provider. Learn the specific address and also a name of the person you will not be able because the provider of services has no right to transfer similar information (information can be transferred to them only at the request of law enforcement agencies).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
