How to delete news from the website

How to delete news from the website

On the websites the set of news is daily published. Some of them, for certain reasons require additional editing or full removal. Therefore the majority of the websites is supplied with function of removal of separate records.


1. On social network "VKontakte" the entries added on a wall automatically are duplicated in a news feed. In this film you can see both the records, and news of friends. If desired this list can be edited. If you guide the mouse cursor at the news, then in the upper right corner the cross of blue color will appear. Having clicked it, you delete record not only from a news feed, but also from the page. It is impossible to delete the friend's news completely, but it can be hidden, using the above scheme.

2. If your website is made on Wordpress management system, then you can edit the list of news as follows. Become authorized in the administrator panel of the website. On the left side of the page find a menu item of "Record". Having clicked it, you will see the list of the published news. In the top part of this page activate the link "Published". It is under the name of the page. Find the necessary news and install a tick to the left of it. Find a drop-down menu in the left lower part of the page "Action with selected". Turn it to the position "Send to a Basket" and click "Apply". After that news will be deleted from the page of the website. Completely it is possible to delete unnecessary record from a basket. The link to a basket is near the Published point.

3. If the website belongs not to you, and you have no access to the panel of the site administrator or any other editorial panel, try to contact the owner of the website. For this purpose find its phone or e-mail on pages of a resource. As a rule, they can be found on the pages "Contacts", "About Us", "Coordinates" or directly on the homepage of the website. Also quite often at the website there is a feedback form. With its help you can write the message and send it to e-mail of the administrator of a resource. In the access try to explain the reason of your disagreement with the publication of news and ask it to delete.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
