How to mark out all friends at once

How to mark out all friends at once

VKontakte is a resource on which it is possible to communicate with friends, to share news, to post photos, to listen to music and to watch videos. The longer you use contact, the more virtual friends at you appear. People who managed to get several hundred friends often experience difficulties if it is necessary to tag all people in a video and in the photo. There are special scripts which will allow you to note quickly on pictures and records of all your friends.


1. Provide such situation. You laid out on the interestingvideo page about your adventures the abroad or just want to share amusing record with friends. Than you should mark out all the friends separately? Actually it is possible to mark out all the friends all for couple of seconds. At first upload video on the page and press it the Note button. On the screen the window with the list of all your friends will appear. Then you place the cursor in an address bar, erase the address of the page and enter instead of it a script: javascript:for (blabla=0; blabla <5000; blabla ++) {var elem = document.getElementById (’f '+blabla); if (elem == null) break; elem.onclick (); }. Then you click input and refresh the page. In couple of seconds you will see that all your friends are tagged in the video uploaded to you.

2. If you uploaded the interesting picture or the photo on the page and want to notify on it all the friends, then for this purpose can also use one good script. At first you visit the page of the necessary photo and again press the Note button. Also, as well as in a case with video, on the screen the window with the list of all your friends in contact will appear. Then you place the cursor on an address bar and copy the following script there:

javascript: (function () {function getPhotoInfo () {if (res = / ([0-9\-]+) _ (\d+) / .exec(location.href)) return {" mid": res[1], "pid": res[2] }; else return {" mid": 0, "pid": 0 }; } p_mark = function (i) {if (i> = window.friends.length) {ge (’rotating’) .innerHTML =" All friends have been marked on this photo!"; clearTimeout(timerID); return; } request_uri = “/photos.php?act=put&pid=”+mid+”_”+pid+”&id=”+mid+

“&oid=0&subject=”+window.friends [i] .id+”&name=”+encodeURI (wi

ndow.friends[i].name) +”&add=1&x=0&y=0&x2=100&y2=100;img = new Image (); img.src = request_uri; ge (’commentArea’) .innerHTML = (i+1) +" of" + window.friends.length +" friends have been marked!"; timerID = setTimeout (" p_mark (" + (i+1) + ")", 500); }; p_markall = function () {if (! confirm (" Are you sure want to mark all friends? \r\n\r\n\r\nBugs & Thanks: return; ge (’rotating’) .innerHTML =" Processing Please wait …"; ajax = new Ajax (function (a, r) {eval(r); window.friends = fr; p_mark(0); }, function (a, r) {alert (" Request problem. Try again"); }); ajax.get ("/photos.php? act=get"); }; if (! (location.href.m

atch (/ && location.href.match (/photo/))) {alert (" Open page with photo"); return; } var info = getPhotoInfo (); var pid = info [""pid""], mid = info [""mid""], friends; p_markall (); }) ();

It looks it is quite bulky, but works always smoothly. After clicking the Enter button photos all your friends will be marked out.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
