Water plays an important role in a metabolism, but drinks can not only satisfy thirst, but also bring benefit for an organism. Before you rating from 10 the drinks, most useful to health.
1. Green chaysoderzhit a large amount of antioxidants and a complex of vitamins, reduces sugar level in blood and risk of diseases of a cardiovascular system. Increases immunity, serves for prevention of caries, reduces risk of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, accelerates metabolism and even allows to lose weight slowly. Day norm - 4-6 cups.
2. KofePolezen for prevention of diseases of Alzheimer and Parkinson and also diseases of a cardiovascular system and a colon cancer. In total the coffee cup in day lowers rice of a disease of cancer by 10%. 4 cups of coffee a day reduce the probability of heart attack by 40% and risk to ache with diabetes. Norm - no more than 4 cups a day.
3. KakaoPolezen for prevention of heart diseases, hypertensions, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Besides, consumption of cocoa interferes with processes of aging and well affects memory.
4. Soy the molokonapitok has plant origin - it is made of soybeans. It contains valuable protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and cellulose. The use of a soyamilk positively influences work of nervous and blood systems, improves a condition of skin and hair, accelerates exchange processes.
5. KefirLegko is acquired, contains calcium, proteins and vitamins. Helps to bring hazardous substances out of an organism and possesses antimicrobial action. Improves intestinal microflora and also has the relaxing effect on nervous system.
6. Juice цитрусовыхБогат vitamin C, is useful at a hypertension, lowers cholesterol, takes off fatigue and makes active immunity. All this belongs only to fresh juices of a citrus. By the way, orange juice positively affects sight, and grapefruit - improves a condition of skin.
7. Beet сокПолезен for memory, lowers cholesterol level, strengthens immunity and blood vessels. The truth is better to drink it not in pure form, and in combination with juice from other vegetables.
8. Cranberry morsnaturalny cranberry drink (without sugar) is useful at a set of diseases: interferes with development of inflammatory processes, strengthens immunity and vessels, removes toxins, improves work of nervous system and a condition of skin, reduces formation of hypostases.
9. Coconut водаЭто liquid which is in young coconuts. It contains vegetable protein, vitamins C, E, RR, groups B, however, in insignificant quantities. But as a part of many mineral substances, for example, potassium and magnesium. The use of coconut water is useful for prevention of a hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, locks, urinogenital infections.
10. Clean drinking vodaneobkhodima for functioning of important bodies, moistening of skin, health of muscles and joints. Optimum standard daily rate for the person of average weight - 1.5-2 liters.