How to bake summer red currant and meringue pie

How to bake summer red currant and meringue pie

Red currant is popular berries which is often grown up on personal plots. It can be used fresh or to add to various desserts, for example, in pies.

It is required to you

  • For the fast test:
    • 500 g of flour;
    • 300 g of a desi;
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
    • 3 yolks.
    • For yeast dough:
    • 500 g of flour;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • bag of yeast;
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
    • salt pinch;
    • 70 g of a desi.
    • For a stuffing:
    • 500 g of berries of red currant;
    • 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 3 proteins.


1. Make dough. Several options will be suitable for such pie. For faster recipe mix flour and the oil softened at the room temperature, add yolks and sugar there. Carefully mix everything, inwrap in food wrap and leave in the fridge at least for half an hour.

2. If you love yeast dough, make a basis of it. For this purpose part a bag of a yeast powder in warm milk. There pour in the kindled desi, break eggs. Add sugar, its quantity can be reduced or increased in relation to specified in the list of ingredients depending on your tastes. Pour a salt pinch. Then begin to add flour to weight. Add it on a half of a glass, carefully mixing that lumps weren't formed. Dough has to turn out homogeneous and dense. Cover it with a towel and put a bowl with it to the warm place. If at you in the apartment it is cold, then capacity can be established in a basin with hot water. Leave dough for 2-3 hours, each hour it mixing.

3. Roll ready dough with a thin layer. Put it on the baking tray oiled and bake in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees about 15 minutes. It shouldn't be reddened.

4. Meanwhile be engaged in a stuffing. Wash up currant, dry and pound in a separate bowl with icing sugar. Beat whites by means of the mixer before formation of magnificent foam. At the same time add on 1 tablespoon of icing sugar on one protein. Evenly distribute the turned-out currant weight on a surface of the baked test. Then take the confectionery syringe, fill it with protein whips and cover a cake layer surface with the turned-out cream so that it looked as separate meringues. Return pie to an oven and leave there for 15 minutes at the same temperature. Meringues have to be baked. It is possible to serve such the dish and in warm, and cold.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
