How to make dietary cauliflower salad

How to make dietary cauliflower salad

The homeland of a cauliflower is Asia. In the 17th century the cabbage was delivered to Europe where became a popular dish which only rich people were able to afford. The cauliflower is the fine antioxidant capable not only to help to lose weight, but also to look younger.

The cauliflower is that vegetable which contains A, C, PP vitamins and mineral salts, various minerals, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and other useful substances. Also the cauliflower contains apple, lemon, folic acids and a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

In order that the cauliflower brought benefit to an organism, this vegetable needs to be chosen correctly. Color of inflorescences has to be uniform and identical. If you plan to store cabbage in the fridge, then it needs to be divided into separate inflorescences and to store in the cool aired place.

Light and dietary cauliflower salad which it will be fine to be combined with hot dishes and light meals will become vitamin.

The following ingredients will be necessary for you:

- 300 g of a cauliflower;

- a cucumber — 2 pieces;

- tomato — 1 piece;

- leek — 1 bunch;

- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

- salt, sugar (to taste).

Boil the whole cauliflower in slightly added some salt water to full readiness, then divide into inflorescences.

Meanwhile wash cucumbers and tomatoes, cut with pieces. Onions small to a poshinkuyta.

In a salad bowl connect all prepared vegetables, add salt and sugar to your taste. Fill salad with vegetable oil and well mix all ingredients.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
