The medlar is a plant of family of a rose family. Its fruits have gentle pulp of yellow color with pleasant, a little slightly acid flavor. In the countries of the East the medlar is used for treatment of some diseases and health recovery.
Advantage of a medlar
The medlar on the chemical composition is very close to apple. It contains fruit acids, sugar, A primary vitamin, vitamins C, PP, P, phytoncides, pectins, aromatic and tannins. Fruit contain in 100 g only 47 kcal, they are a remarkable dietary product.
In medicine the medlar is used at intestinal diseases, for digestion normalization. Immature fruits apply as the fixing means, and dead-ripe fruit are laxative, they bring hazardous substances out of intestines, restoring its microflora.
As the medlar contains a large amount of phytoncides, it is used at inflammations of airways. This plant considerably facilitates renal gripes and helps with treatment of an urolithic disease. Pectins bring out of an organism of salt of heavy metals, toxins and other hazardous substances, reduce cholesterol level, normalize exchange processes, revitalize a liver and a pancreas. The medlar helps to get rid of overeating consequences: its fruits in short terms split heavy food, exempting an organism from loading quicker. A medlar it is better to use fresh, however compotes, jam and a fruit candy from fruits of this plant are also useful to an organism. The pulp of fruits mixed with honey cleans lungs from a phlegm, facilitates breath, treats short wind and heartaches, long cough.
Fresh fruits of a medlar are contraindicated at diseases of a pancreas, stomach ulcer, gastritis with excessive acidity.
Medicinal properties of leaves and seeds of a medlar
Useful properties also medlar leaves have. They contain substance амигдалин which helps a liver to get rid of toxins and normalizes its work. Do infusions and broths which apply at asthma, inflammatory processes of the upper airways, diarrhea of leaves. Seeds of a medlar dry, mill and prepare coffee substitute, to taste very similar to real. It has the toning effect on an organism.
In cosmetology the fruits of a medlar apply in the form of masks which have the restoring effect on skin and give it the young, shining look.
To children yield a fruit of this plant carefully – since one piece a day to exclude an allergy. To people who never tried earlier a medlar nutritionists advise to begin to accept in food it also gradually - on 1-2 pieces a day.