Protein and amino acids: what it is better?

Protein and amino acids: what it is better?

Many athletes during a set of muscle bulk use various nutritional supplements, such as, for example, protein and amino acids. These substances are checked by a huge number of athletes for many decades. In what between them a difference and as it is correct to accept them, we will understand our article.

The protein and amino acid (AMK) are nutritional supplements which join in sports food for more effective accumulation of muscle bulk and combustion of fats. Such types of food have various purposes and, respectively, the different principle of action.

Muscles grow due to receiving quality protein. Without enough this substance the process of accumulation of muscle bulk will be inefficient.

Learn how it is correct to drink a protein.

Protein — mix which for 85–90% consists of pure protein. The rest — necessary fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Thus, using this mix, the person enriches the organism with proteinaceous norm which promotes construction of a muscular relief.

  • saturation (replaces a part of food without harm for an organism);
  • casein (one of types of a protein) long is digested that allows even to receive necessary minerals during sleep;
  • the price (is much cheaper than amino acids).

Whether you know? In the world there are more than 1000 types of various proteins which are a basis for all living organisms. The human body consists of proteins for 50%, and a virus — for 90%.

  • the shaker and milk are necessary for preparation;
  • indigestion is possible;
  • has negative effect on kidneys and a liver at the long use therefore dry protein is contraindicated to people with already available problems with these bodies;
  • it is contraindicated to people with intolerance of lactose.

In operating time of muscles (intensive trainings) of fabric collapse, and amino acids are necessary for growth of new layers and restoration of injured. This substance is construction material of protein which main task is to restore the damaged muscle tissue.

Read in more detail about amino acids: for what they are necessary in sport and as to accept them.

The considered substance is necessary for an organism at a set of muscle bulk. Pluses of nutritional supplement:

  • fast assimilation (AMK are not digested as they also are basic substance);
  • minimum of fats and carbohydrates (are suitable for dumping of excess weight);
  • are convenient in use as are on sale in capsules.

Amino acids have no contraindications. It is very difficult to get poisoned with this substance, even at the misuse.

Whether you know? Protein plays a role of the supplier of substances in an organism: he travels by birth, saturating an organism with necessary substances.

In spite of the fact that aminocarbonic acid is construction material for protein, these means have differences:

  1. The first, and the basic, is the purpose. Proteinaceous mixes are intended for a set of weight while AMK — for recovery of muscles.
  2. Reception time. Amino acids are necessary to or after the intensive trainings while it is better to drink protein exclusively after classes.
  3. Time for digestion. The protein in a stomach is split to AMK, the last, in turn, are fundamental substance and do not need splitting.
  4. The protein is many times cheaper as is just raw materials, amino acids are on sale in the prepared capsules.
  5. The protein has a number of contraindications while amino acids are necessary for any organism.

The question of whether to accept amino acids or proteinaceous mix, or both additives together, sets many beginning athletes. The choice depends on a number of factors:

  1. Desirable result. Protein, that is dry mixes is necessary for faster extension of muscles. Construction material, that is amino acid is necessary for restoration after the intensive trainings.
  2. Existence of problems with a stomach, liver and kidneys excludes a possibility of the use of proteinaceous mix. Amino acid has no contraindications.
  3. For achievement of the best effect, in the absence of contraindications, it is better to accept the described additives in a complex.

As it was already told above, in the absence of contraindications it is better to use proteins and AMK in a complex as both additives are mutually supplemented. The complex from these elements will allow to build up muscle bulk, to restore the fabrics damaged by trainings and also to fill a stock of the spent energy. But for positive result the components need to be accepted strictly according to the instruction:

  1. Aminocarbonic acid needs to be used in the morning during a breakfast or after the intensive training.
  2. It is better to use a protein (proteinaceous mixes) before going to bed. In that case during sleep muscle tissues will receive substances, necessary for growth.

Important! Capsules with amino acid should be accepted at meal time as in an empty stomach medicine will irritate a mucous membrane.

Before purchase of cans with nutritional supplements it is necessary to consult to the trainer. He will prompt necessary firm, a dosage and also will in detail tell how and when it is correct to use them.

So, it is better to use the considered nutritional supplements in a complex as they supplement each other. In essence they are harmless natural substances, however before the use it is necessary to consult to the trainer or the nutritionist.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
