Well, what table without snack! It is possible of course and to buy sausages, but such nourishing and naturally the product for snack to you won't be sold.
It is required to you
- beef cutting – 300 g.
- red onions – 1 piece.
- podcherevka – 50 g.
- bay leaf – 2 pieces.
- lettuce leaves – 3 pieces.
- fresh cucumber – 1 piece.
- fresh tomato – 1 piece.
- paprika – 1 piece.
- greens – to steam of branches
- salt – depending on flavoring requirements
1. Meat carefully to wash up and allow it to dry. Then to salt and pepper – it is desirable to pound hands so that salt thawed. To lay from above podcherevka, previously to slice. To wind everything with thread.
2. Peel red onions from a peel and cut in large cubes.
3. Take a package for roasting. Put in it meat and red onions, and to lay out meat in the middle, and onions – on each side. Stick and lay a package on a baking tray. Bake in an oven of 40 - 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees of Page.
4. After time to accurately get a package from an oven and to cut. Get, water meat with juice and allow to cool down a little.
5. Slice the cooled-down meat. Lay out on a dish and decorate with beautifully cut vegetables.