What is chop off: as them is and than they are useful"

What is chop off: as them is and than they are useful"

Such products as bran and germs of grain crops often appear in dietary food recently. It and is not surprising as these parts contain all useful elements of culture. Today we will talk about bran different grain, their advantage for an organism.

What is and what do bran of

Bran is a firm cover of grains, a peeled peel which is carefully separated by flour-grinding production. In this part of grain fatty acids that subsequently flour did not turn rancid are concentrated, so-called waste deletes.

Whether you know? From it wrote such great minds of antiquity about useful properties of medium rye flour and broth as Asclepius, Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, Pliny the Elder.

Caloric content, I WATCH, vitamins, macro - and minerals

All bran contains in structure cellulose, amino acids, polyunsaturated and monoacids. Irreplaceable acids are especially important for harmonious work of an organism:

  • arginine;
  • valine;
  • lysine;
  • leucine;
  • tryptophane;
  • methionine.

Learn, useful and harmful properties of corn grits, grain of a kino, bulgur, buckwheat, lentil, rice, semolina, porridge and pearl barley.


  • proteins — 15.6 g;
  • fats — 4.3 g;
  • carbohydrates — 64.5 g;
  • caloric content — 216 kcal / 100.
  • vitamins: And, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K;
  • macrocells: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • minerals: iron, zinc, iodine, selenium.


  • proteins — 18 g;
  • fats — 7.7 g;
  • carbohydrates — 45.3 g;
  • caloric content — 320 kcal on 100 g.
  • vitamins: And, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, E, K, PP;
  • macrocells: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • minerals: iron, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese.


  • carbohydrates — 6.64 g;
  • fats — 0.92 g;
  • proteins — 8.36 g;
  • caloric content — 224 kcal / 100.
  • vitamins: And, To, E, beta carotene, B1, B2, B4, B6, B9, PP;
  • macrocells: magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • minerals: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium.


  • proteins — 13.4 g;
  • fats — 20.9 g;
  • carbohydrates — 49.7 g;
  • caloric content — 316 kcal / 100.
  • vitamins: B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, K, PP;
  • macrocells: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium;
  • minerals: iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

Whether you know? Rice bran applies in a food allowance of sports horses, and in Japan for pickling of vegetables they are used as a component of spicy marinade.


  • proteins — 11.2 g;
  • fats — 3.2 g;
  • carbohydrates — 32 g;
  • caloric content — 221 kcal / 100.
  • vitamins: And, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K;
  • macrocells: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium;
  • minerals: iron, manganese, iodine, cobalt, zinc, copper.

Than bran is useful

"Waste" of grain supplies an organism with valuable amino acids, vitamins and minerals; improve a metabolism; regulate digestive processes; take not the last part in food of cells of a brain, strengthening of nervous and immune systems.

Many components of structure take part in blood formation, clarification of an organism from toxins, products of disintegration of drugs, cholesterol; help to split fats, supporting weight is normal. Antioxidants provide youth of integuments and health of nails and hair.

For a GIT

Thanks to food fibers in structure which "sweep out" the remains of undigested food from intestines by means of bran it is possible to forget about locks. The saturated composition of this additive will help to improve motility of intestines, to split firm food, to accelerate process of its digestion. At the diseases connected with inflammation mucous bran will render the action enveloping and calming on the angry cover.

It will be interesting to learn - in what advantage of cellulose.

The classical recipe for treatment of a lock:

30 g of cellulose to trouble a glass of water (200 ml), to insist about an hour. To divide the received portion into three parts: to use before food, washing down with a glass of water.

For a cardiovascular system

Potassium, magnesium and vitamins of group B take active part in synthesis of blood cages, improve blood circulation, protect walls of vessels from cholesterol adjournment, increase their elasticity. Elements positively influence a cardiac muscle, normalize heartbeat, help with digestion of enzymes, important for warm activity. The regular use reduces risk of a heart attack and stroke, formation of blood clots.

For a reproductive system

Zinc, iodine, selenium, vitamins of group B and tocopherol are important for normal work of urinogenital and reproductive systems of men and women:


  • men's hormones are produced;
  • the quality of a seed improves;
  • blood circulation in bodies of a small pelvis improves;
  • the risk of adenoma of a prostate decreases;
  • sexual desire amplifies.


  • the hormones promoting an ovulation are produced;
  • the menstrual cycle is normalized;
  • work of an endocrine system improves;
  • the possibility of conception raises;
  • the organism is sated with the elements, necessary for incubation of a fruit (its growth and development);
  • the risk of gynecologic diseases decreases:
  • climax symptoms are facilitated (women after 50).

For skin

Antioxidants, vitamins (And, E, B5, B6, B9, K) selenium, magnesium, calcium — these substances in a complex are responsible for the following:

  • youth and health of cages;
  • melanin level;
  • moistening and nutrition of integuments;
  • blood circulation in the top layers of epidermis;
  • strengthening of hair follicles;
  • gloss and force of hair and nails;
  • hardness of bones and teeth;
  • visual acuity and health of mucous membranes;
  • strengthening of nervous system.

For weight loss

Bran helps to normalize weight: the small portion of a product under the influence of water inflates in a stomach, causing feeling of saturation. Besides, cellulose and rough food fibers, helping processes of digestion of food, together with it bring out of an organism everything that "lay too long" in intestines, toxins, slags. The recipe for fasting day:

Mix the prunes crushed on the meat grinder or in the blender, raisin and bran (200х100х100 g) which is steamed out previously. Stretch the received mix for the whole day, this day it is necessary to drink not less than one and a half liters of water.

One more recipe for weight loss — a low-calorie breakfast: fill in 1.5 teaspoons of bran (oat) with one-percentage kefir in the evening. In the morning of the next day you receive a nourishing and tasty breakfast to which you will be able to add fresh berries. During the day drink water, to two liters.

As it is possible to use in cosmetology

The rich structure of bran did not disregard the cosmetologists and women preferring natural skin and hair care products.

For the person

The product for inclined to irritation is especially useful to skin, when peeling as a result of, for example, chapping or long stay on frosty air.


To mix a teaspoon of bran with the same amount of honey and natural yogurt. To allow to stand about an hour, then to put on a face and a neck, to leave for fifteen minutes, to wash away warm water.


On a spoon of blue clay and bran to fill in two spoons of the crushed leaves of parsley with warm water before receiving homogeneous mass. To leave for half an hour, to put on a face, passing an eye area, to hold twenty minutes. Accurately cotton pad to remove, rinse with warm water.

From wrinkles

To vent an egg yolk, a spoon of bran, a spoon of the crushed root of parsley in a homogenous mixture. To leave on a face for fifteen minutes, after to wash away warm water.

Important! Masks need to be prepared in glasswares and to knead a wooden shovel: from contact with metal ingredients lose properties. Oat or wheaten products are suitable for cosmetic masks more.

For a body

Useful substances as a part of grain "waste" will help to heal microcracks on skin of hands and legs, to remove irritation on a body, to calm skin. By the way, bathtubs from bran help at psoriasis: they peel scales on plaques, softly, without damaging a wound.


100 g of bran to trouble in fat milk, to apply the received mix on problem parts of the body (a zone of a decollete, a hand and others). In twenty minutes to wash away flowing water, to apply the moisturizing cream or baby oil.


Wrap a glass of bran in a gauze sack, lower in a bathtub. For curative effect at skin diseases it is possible to add broths of a camomile, a calendula or a celandine. After the water procedure it is desirable not to wipe skin, and to allow it to dry in the natural way.

For hair

Cosmetics with collateral grain products nourish head skin, strengthening a hair bulb; add to hair softness and gloss, stick together the whipped tips.


To fill in 250 g of a product with water (0.5 l), to boil. To leave for insisting for twenty minutes, then to boil repeatedly. The received mix to allow to cool down to room temperature, to filter. To apply broth on clean hair, slightly rubbing in head skin. To wrap up the head in a towel, to leave for half an hour. To wash away warm water.


To trouble a glass of a peeled peel in two glasses of boiled water, to leave for an hour. To mix the received inflated mix with kefir, to apply on hair and to leave for twenty minutes, then to wash away carefully water.

How to choose and what bran it is better to buy

When choosing a product it is better to give preference loose as the granulated peel has less useful properties. Bran can be both a small, and coarse grinding: both views are useful. Upon purchase pay attention to expiration dates, to structure (lumps should not be), to structure: nothing, except a peeled peel, in it has to be.

Read also what advantage porridge has.

Ideal container for a product — a paper package of a transparent window. So you will be able to see quality of bran, to be convinced of their dryness and friability. The fresh goods have color of grain.

How to store in house conditions

You should not buy bran in large numbers, the present oils do not allow them to be stored long, increasing risk of emergence of rancidity. The bought goods need to be poured into a glass jar, to close densely a cover and to store in the dry, dark place.

How many it is possible to eat bran in day

It is necessary to begin the use gradually, with a teaspoon in day, within a week to bring norm to 30 g (about three tablespoons). It is not recommended to use this quantity more.

Features of the use

At consumption of bran it is necessary to consider that during the day it is necessary to drink a lot of water, to two liters. After a month of the use it is necessary to take a break for two-three months.

When it is better to eat bran

Bran can be eaten for breakfast, it is possible to add to soups or garnishes in lunch time, but not in the general pan, and separately in a plate. It is not contraindicated to eat in the evening, but considering need "to dilute" a product with water, it is better to take them in the first half of day.

Whether it is possible for pregnant women

During pregnancy of the woman often have problems with digestion: a meteorizm, a lock, weight in a stomach. The use of pharmacological medicines during this period is not desirable not to do much harm to a fruit therefore a peeled peel — the best assistant in such situations. Except digestive system, will become stronger the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems of the woman. The organism will fill up stocks necessary both for the woman, and for a fruit of minerals and vitamins. It is especially important to resupply calcium which the kid pulls from a maternal organism, for future mother during this period the risk of traumatism increases, the fortress of tooth fabric and bones decreases. The only thing that should be remembered, are Regulations of Admission.

From what age it is possible for children

  • children about one year can give only bran decoction;
  • to children of a year to three — a half of a teaspoon in three steps in a day;
  • from three to ten years — is no more than two teaspoons, in three steps;
  • of ten one or three years teaspoons.

It is important! Remember that the child has to drink much, the use of a product should be begun with consultation of the pediatrician.

What can be made, where to add

The easy product, possesses a neutral smell and taste therefore it is possible to add it to any dishes:

  • porridges, garnishes from vegetables;
  • as a breading for cutlets, fish;
  • soups, borsches;
  • milk drinks or kissel (children);
  • in salads;
  • as topping for pastries and in dough.


It is contraindicated to use oat additive in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • presence of an ulcer;
  • other gastrointestinal diseases, with violation of mucous.

Ignoring of rules of the use can lead to swelling, nausea, a diarrhea.

Harm and precautionary measures

Not to do itself harm, it is necessary to use bran as additive, but not an independent dish, it is not recommended to eat them in a dry form and to forget about breaks in reception. Surely it is necessary to drink up to two liters of water a day. Excessive and misuse can lead to avitaminosis as with clarification of an organism from harmful elements and undigested food, the product "will wash up" also useful substances. Healthy food means not only the use of natural, eco-friendly products, but also a measure in their use. Any, most useful substance, at overdose instead of advantage is capable to cause a notable loss to an organism and even to provoke certain diseases.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
