On the way to symmetry many choose: healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, diets and physical activities. All this is an integral part of the correct and harmonious existence. Very important, having decided to pass to a healthy lifestyle, it is correct not to break and work. There are products which can help on the way to a healthy lifestyle. They help to subdue hunger, supporting our organism in a healthy state.
1. All the known apple - one of the most important assistants for those who want to find symmetry. Apples contain pectin or cellulose which prolongs effect of hormone of saturation. The small piece of apple can be eaten at any time, it will help an organism to feel saturation.
2. The small piece of cheese of a firm grade will also help to feel saturation quickly. Cheese can be eaten in the first half of day or as small having a snack in the afternoon.
3. Very well for a stomach and for skin a flax seed. However very few people know that couple of teaspoons of a ground seed of a flax the Omega 3 contains fats and it is slowly acquired. The organism is occupied with digestion and at the same time receives useful substances.
4. If you have no allergy to lactose, then the remarkable product saving from feeling of hunger is the dense natural yoghourt. Due to dense consistence it is more slowly acquired, and the organism receives nutritive matters evenly.
5. At strong and frequent feeling of hunger it is worth giving preference to bean. They are slowly acquired. Contain inhibitors of trypsin and lectins because of which saturation hormone increases.
6. As it strange doesn't sound, but ordinary fat also helps to increase saturation hormone level. Only don't forget that such means can't often be used.
7. Some of useful and pleasant products can consider such fruit as avocado. The cellulose and monosaturated fats which are contained in it long are digested.
8. Granular cottage cheese will be ideal for the first half of day. It contains a casein protein and few fats therefore it is long acquired.
9. Familiar porridge is very useful to all and subdues feeling of hunger. It slowly is digested, contains beta glucan which helps to bring slags out of an organism.
10. And finally it is necessary to tell about water. The glass idle time of water fills a stomach and causes short-term feeling of saturation.