Whether it is necessary to presoak cucumbers before pickling

Whether it is necessary to presoak cucumbers before pickling

Soaking of cucumbers before conservation - the procedure optional. However thanks to it it is possible to improve considerably gustatory qualities of a ready-made product, to increase its usefulness.

Why to presoak cucumbers before pickling

To answer a question whether it is necessary or not to soak cucumbers before pickling, it is necessary to know for what in general this procedure is necessary. First, soaking fills the moisture of fruits lost during transportation or a long lezhka, secondly, - saves cucumbers from bitterness, thirdly, - removes nitrates. Therefore if vegetables have at least one of above-mentioned problems, then it is better not to risk and carry out the procedure of soaking in due form.

How to understand that fruits need soaking? In it there is nothing difficult: if for pickling the vegetables which are grown up on own site without use of industrial fertilizers undertake, at the same time cucumbers don't taste bitter, and their collecting happened not later than three hours before preservation, then it is possible to do without soaking. In case for conservation purchased fruits are used, then they should be soaked surely in water not less day. The fact is that the cucumbers which lay down after removal from bushes day and more lose a lot of moisture, become soft, and only soaking is capable to restore their initial elasticity. And under what conditions fruits were grown up, than fed up - it is unknown.

How to presoak cucumbers in water before pickling

How to carry out the procedure depends on for what there is a soaking. If it is necessary to remove nitrates, then cucumbers should be washed out, cut off properly at fruits ""tails"" on both sides and to fill in vegetables with cool water. The general duration of soaking - till six o'clock, and each one or two hours water need to be changed.

If soaking is made to fill moisture in fruits, then the procedure should be carried out as follows: it is necessary to wash out cucumbers, to fill in them with ice water and to leave for day in the cool place. It is optional to change water in this case.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
