It is no secret, that the human body needs useful minerals and substances without which its normal functioning is absolutely impossible. Also B2 vitamin known under the name Riboflavinum is among such substances. In our article we will consider what is the microcell what value has Riboflavinum for a human body and in what products such substance contains.
About advantage of vitamin
Riboflavinum is considered to be nearly main microcell providing the correct and long functioning of a human body. This vitamin is directly involved in synthesis of hormones, recovery of nervous system, processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in energy and in a set of other functions.
He synthesizes also other vitamins of narrower orientation and participates in formation of the adenosine triphosphoric acid known also as life fuel.
Important! It is impossible to leave the products saturated with Riboflavinum under the influence of direct sunshine as ultraviolet can neutralize up to 70% of the contents of B2 vitamin, thereby having deprived of them useful properties.
Despite the deserved attention to vitamin A as to the main vitamin for sight, a microcell Riboflavinum also takes not the last part in a question of visual acuity, adaptation in the dark, but also, protects an eye retina from influences of ultraviolet rays.
Besides all above-mentioned, B2 vitamin is one of elements — builders of cages. He participates in maintenance of appearance of skin and feeds mucous membranes. Thus, thanks to this substance, skin becomes more elastic and elastic, remains young and fresh longer.
At pregnancy this microcell also favorably influences formation and the correct development of a fruit, and in addition, maintains health and prosperity of energy at the woman.
Whether you know? During the experiment put over group of animals it was proved that without B2 vitamin their growth significantly decreased, and later time and in general stopped. But when entered the milk which is also containing Riboflavinum into a diet of animals, growth process was resumed again. Also and with people.
Therefore it is so important not to allow exhaustion and a lack of Riboflavinum of an organism, it is one of the most important minerals forming our health and beauty.
B2 vitamin is necessary to an organism for the correct and continuous process of production of fuel for what the set of auxiliary opportunities of this microcell is used.
In what products contains
Riboflavinum in view of the importance for a human body is in the majority of food products. Another thing is that its quantity in any given ingredient variously. So, the highest concentration of B2 element belongs to beer or baking yeast.
Learn more about products rich in cellulose, selenium and potassium.
Also significant amount of this microcell is in animal products, especially in mutton and a herring. From flora products on the content of Riboflavinum it is possible to carry spinach, turnip, mushrooms, haricot and cereals to number of champions. Let's consider in more detail where there is B2 vitamin.
Egg powder
Egg powder turns out by drying of egg weight and its mastication to small substance. Thanks to the fact that process of production takes place at strictly observed temperature condition useful properties remain even after such processing. Together with number of other minerals also B2 vitamin of 1.23 mg on 100 g of a product remains.
Milk chocolate is richest with B2 element among other types of cocoa sweets. So, dark chocolate contains about 0.15 mg on 100 g of a product, and in dairy this dose increases three times — up to 0.45 mg on 100 g. Thus, fans of milk chocolate were lucky three times as much if to compare to those who prefer black.
Spinach is considered one of the products of plant origin which are most saturated with Riboflavinum. If to use it fresh, then in its 100 g 0.25 mg of B2 element contain.
Besides, spinach contains a set of other important minerals, such as thiamine (B1) which at connection with Riboflavinum mutually strengthen the impact on an organism.
To number of vegetable products where there is B2 vitamin, also turnip belongs. In it the content of Riboflavinum equals 0.45 mg on 100 g, and still it is rich with vitamin C (the percent of its contents is much higher, than at a citrus), B1 (thiamine) and some other important minerals. Here a half of the table of Mendeleyev and some the salts, vital for a human body, and amino acid is presented.
Whether you know? At the time of Kievan Rus' turnip was the most widespread vegetable. It was added to soups, porridges, did of it desserts thanks to the fact that 10% of its weight — clean sugar and it very sweet on taste. Today this vegetable is practically not used, and very in vain.
A little mutton which also contains a large amount of Riboflavinum dilutes vegetable products. The quantity of B2 element in mutton is about 0.15 mg on 100 g. But this indicator lags behind other animal products with B2 vitamin a little, namely: from beef (0.18 mg / 100) and from veal (0.23 mg / 100).
In bran (the grain processing product representing a firm cover of a cereal) there is quite high content of B2 element which reaches 0.39 mg on 100 g of a product. Bran is very useful thanks to availability of cellulose and a set of useful minerals and vitamins.
That our list was submitted by all types of products, it is necessary to tell also about sea inhabitants. So, is about 0.28 mg of Riboflavinum on each 100 grams in a herring that significantly surpasses B2 vitamin indicators in meat products.
Besides milk chocolate, one of the most useful products of dairy production is cheese. In it the indicator of B2 element reaches 0.5 mg on 100 g, and it is one of the highest values among the products containing Riboflavinum.
Whether you know? At people with constantly low level of B2 vitamin the life expectancy significantly decreases. It is characterized by the fact that in blood the necessary substances are not produced and bodies are badly supplied with oxygen and also the metabolism worsens.
Both peas, and haricot, and beans, undoubtedly, are B2 vitamin carriers, but lentil, Riboflavinum content in which reaches 0.3 mg on 100 g, is most allocated from this list.
Soybeans slightly lag behind the fellow of lentil. So, soy contains about 0.23 mg of Riboflavinum on each 100 g.
Standard daily rate, shortage and surplus of vitamin
Someone can think what the more to consume products which contain B2 vitamin, the better. But also here it is necessary to follow certain norms and the rules as both shortage, and a surplus of Riboflavinum bear in itself negative consequences for a human body.
Important! The standard daily rate of Riboflavinum for women is 1.2 mg, and for men — it is slightly higher than 1.6 mg. At pregnancy and during feeding by a breast this indicator significantly increases — up to 3 mg per day.
As for B2 element surplus, similar practically does not occur just because the person is incapable to eat so many products that the indicator of Riboflavinum read off scale (agree that to eat 2-3 herrings, kilogram of spinach and a plateful of lentil for once difficult). In case similar glut occurred, you should not be afraid. At most, what can happen, is an easy pricking and an itch on a body and also short numbness of muscles.
Much more dangerously a situation with a lack of B2 vitamin of a human body and to what consequences it can lead. The similar phenomenon meets more often than a surplus, and all because at people, as a rule, is absent a diet, and they do not consume enough products which contain Riboflavinum.
The main symptoms of the underestimated level of this microcell are:
- peeling of skin in a nose, a mouth and ears;
- burning feeling as though powdered eyes with sand;
- frequent lachrymation and reddening of eyes;
- photophobia;
- emergence of cracks and wounds on lips.
Also the lack of Riboflavinum causes delay of brain activity, appearance of diseases of digestive tract, degradation and destruction of cells of nervous system and further development of psychological and neurotic diseases. Therefore it is extremely important not to allow decrease in level of B2 vitamin below norm. And for this purpose use bigger quantity of the products containing Riboflavinum, and in the spring and in the fall, in the period of avitaminosis, it is recommended to accept vitamin complexes for maintenance and normalization of activity of an organism.
Riboflavinum sources: the table with all products
And to facilitate your task of identification of the products containing Riboflavinum we provide this table where the content of this vitamin B of 100 g of any given product is also specified.
[th] Name of a product [/th] [th] B2 Vitamin (Riboflavinum), mg / 100 [/th] [th] Name of a product [/th] [th] B2 Vitamin (Riboflavinum), mg / 100 [/th]
Yeast (baking and beer) |
from 2.07 to 4 |
Cottage cheese whey |
0.11 |
Beef liver |
2.19 |
Butter |
0.1 |
Pork liver |
2.18 |
Buckwheat |
0.2 |
Beef kidneys |
1.8 |
Rice |
0.04 |
Pork kidneys |
1.56 |
Millet |
0.04 |
Beef |
from 0.15 to 0.18 |
Grits |
0.11 |
Veal |
0.23 |
Barley grits |
0.08 |
Mutton |
from 0.14 to 0.16 |
Corn grits |
0.07 |
Pork |
from 0.14 to 0.16 |
Semolina |
0.04 |
Rabbit |
0.18 |
Rye bread |
0.08 |
Chicken |
0.15 |
White bread from whole grain |
0.1 |
Turkey |
from 0.19 to 0.22 |
Pasta on fortified flour |
0.44 |
Goose |
from 0.23 to 0.26 |
Haricot |
0.18 |
Duck |
from 0.17 to 0.43 |
Peas |
0.15 |
Fish |
from 0.1 to 0.3 |
Lentil |
0.21 |
Egg |
0.44 |
Soy |
0.22 |
Cow's milk |
0.15 |
Almonds |
0.65 |
Hard cheese |
from 0.3 to 0.5 |
Filbert |
0.1 |
Cottage cheese |
0.3 |
Walnuts |
0.13 |
Cream, sour cream |
0.1 |
Mushrooms |
from 0.3 to 0.4 |
Kefir |
0.17 |
Broccoli |
0.3 |
Curdled milk |
0.13 |
Spinach |
0.25 |
Summing up the results, one may say, that B2 vitamin is one of the major minerals for maintenance of functions of a human body. And if its surplus does not promise anything bad, then the shortcoming, on the contrary, can become the reason of a set of illnesses and even to premature death. During the periods of avitaminosis it is recommended to strengthen intake of vitamin at the expense of pharmaceutical means. Adhering to the balanced food or at least just fully eating (a breakfast, a lunch, a dinner and couple of useful having a snack, like apples, nuts or milk chocolate), you will secure yourself against possible exhaustion of reserves of B2 vitamin, and the organism will be grateful to you for it.