The mushroom of a chag is a useful parasite. In the sense that, exhausting its well-known juice from a birch, it processes it into useful substances which help the person with fight against many diseases. About curative properties of a birch mushroom and also about possible harm which can bring its misuse and the speech in this article will go.
Description and photo
The Chaga as an outgrowth on the damaged bark of a tree represents a mushroom from family of tinder funguses, capable to live up to 20 years.
Whether you know? In Siberia the chaga is called an immortality mushroom and even a gift from God, in Japan the birch mushroom is called not less magnificently — wood diamond, and in China at all he is called the king of plants.
As looks and on what trees grows
This parasitizing mushroom unattractively looks, being a dark outgrowth of round or oval shape on a wood trunk and expanding to a half a meter in the diameter. At a thickness about 15 cm of chag about 5 kg can weigh.
In its strong consistence it is painted in the brown color alternating light streaks, and outside it almost black and is cut up by cracks.
Though a favourite tree for this mushroom is the birch, sometimes he settles also on:
- beech;
- to mountain ash;
- maple;
- elm;
- to alder.
When to collect
Though the birch mushroom is available to collecting all the year round, folk healers recommend to bring together him in the spring before on a tree leaves, or in the fall after their falling off are dismissed. During these periods concentration of useful substances in a mushroom maximum.
Important! It is impossible to use the chaga which is on the dried-up tree. Also it is not recommended to pick the mushroom growing it is low above the ground. The above it is located on a tree, the more valuably.
At the same time the chag needs not to mix from a tinder fungus that often happens to inexperienced collectors. The Chaga is black and depicted by indistinct contours, and the tinder fungus reminds the accurate form a hoof and is lighter. Besides, the tinder fungus easily separates from a birch trunk, and the chaga should be cut off a knife or even to resort to the help of a small hatchet.
Chemical composition
The Chaga concentrates the whole bouquet of the minerals expressed in in the body:
- potassium;
- magnesium;
- manganese;
- copper;
- to gland;
- zinc;
- cobalt;
- barium;
- nickel;
- aluminum;
- silver;
- silicon.
The Chaga is sated also with BAV, that is elements having big physiological activity presented:
- the flavonoids helping to fight against spasms and inflammations and also having diuretic and bile-expelling qualities;
- the alkaloids making positive impact on a cardiac muscle;
- such organic acids, as oil, ant, acetic, oxalic and vanillin which establish acid balance;
- the amino acids presented by glycine, tyrosine, a leucine, methionine together with asparaginic and glyutaminovy acids;
- phytoncides, helping an organism to fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
- the tannins having anti-inflammatory and kroveostanavlivayushchy qualities;
- pigment the melanin intensifying exchange processes and stimulating a conclusion from an organism of toxins;
- the thiamine known also as B1 vitamin which stimulates mental activity and brings nervous system to the normal state;
- the glycosides stimulating warm activity.
Advantage and harm
So rich saturation of a chaga nutrients directly corresponds to advantage which she is able to bring to a human body. However there are also some features of this mushroom capable at the illiterate use of means on its base to be unhealthy the person.
Useful and medicinal properties
Obviously expressed curative properties of this product for an organism are shown in its such qualities:
- immunomodulatory;
- all-strengthening;
- toning;
- preventive concerning many diseases;
- antiarrhytmic, promoting adjustment of normal pulse;
- metabolic, stimulating a metabolism first of all in a head brain;
- lowering the content of sugar in a blood system;
- stabilizing arterial blood pressure;
- optimizing activity of digestive system;
- anti-inflammatory;
- normalizing cellular respiration;
- exempting an organism from slags and poisons;
- bringing nervous system to the normal state;
- eliminating pain and spasms;
- normalizing kidney activity;
- the cancer tumors depressing development;
- helping to adjust a dream and to eliminate depressions;
- reducing the level of bad cholesterol and by that the blood vessels improving a state;
For decrease in level of bad cholesterol also recommend to use tomatoes, yogurt, chicory, oregano seasoning, mint, mespilus berries.
- stimulating release of bile and urine, overcoming the problems arising with it in an organism;
- liquidating youthful eels;
- the integuments improving a state.
Contraindications and harm
As well as at any other means, the main contraindication at medical application of a chaga consists in its individual intolerance entirely or its some components.
Besides, it is impossible to apply medicines on the basis of a birch mushroom:
- having colitis;
- having chronic dysentery;
- future mother;
- to the feeding women in the period of a lactation.
Medicines on the basis of a chaga are useless with simultaneous acceptance of penicillin or with introduction of glucose through a vein.
As it is correct to make and drink a chaga birch
Depending on the purpose of use of remedies on the basis of a chaga also ways of their preparation and also the recommendation differ as to accept them.
For weight loss
Chaga — good means for weight loss, thanks to ability to start metabolic processes in an organism and also to the diuretic and bile-expelling properties. For this purpose it is necessary:
- 20 g of the crushed chaga connect not above 50 °C to a glass of water.
- To leave the received mix for 12 hours to infuse.
- After that means should be passed through a gauze.
- Then it is necessary to add to it 2 des. spoons of honey and 10 g of propolis.
- Means is accepted for an hour before a breakfast on 1 tablespoon within a month.
At oncology
Most of all the chaga became famous for the progress in fight against oncological diseases. If about cases of full treatment with its help from cancer contradictory responses, then ability of a birch mushroom to really brake development of a cancer tumor sound practically nobody denies.
Recommend to apply to fight against oncological diseases repeshok ordinary, oil of black caraway seeds, a mushroom to a shiitaka, burdock leaves, carrot juice.
For example, the high efficiency of application of means from a birch mushroom at fight against stomach cancer is noted.
That to prepare it, it is necessary to use such ingredients:
- the crushed mushroom — 200 g;
- licorice root — 10 g;
- dogrose — 100 g;
- St. John's wort — 20 g;
- buds of a pine — 100 g;
- wormwood bitter — 5 g;
- juice from an aloe — 200 g;
- honey — 500 g.
Process of preparation of means proceeds so:
- Components of future medicine, except for honey and juice of an aloe, mix up and presoaked for 2 hours in water.
- Then mix is boiled as much on weak heating.
- After that means is densely wrapped up and day infuses in heat.
- After filtering, broth connects to honey and juice of an aloe which is got from a three-five-year plant, the last three days not pouring down.
- The received mix settles 4 hours.
- Broth for the first 6 days is accepted to food daily three times on 1 dessertspoon, and in the next day for an hour to food is accepted already on 1 tablespoon besides three times during the day.
- Completely treatment can last from a half moon to four months depending on a condition of the patient and the recommendations of the doctor.
Whether you know? At all the already numerous useful properties the mushroom of a chag by efforts of researchers found not so long ago one more valuable quality: it appears, he is capable to slow down development of HIV infection.
For treatment of a stomach
Remedies from a chaga are very useful to health of a stomach. For example, at gastritis the recipe is as follows:
- The dry mushroom is presoaked in boiled warm water on a quarter of days and crushed. The fresh chaga is crushed without soaking.
- The crushed mushroom is filled in 50-degree boiled water (1 to 5) applied when soaking.
- For 2 days, mix is infused, and then filtered.
- 2 dessertspoons of lemon juice are added to the volume of means restored to initial.
- Means is had three times per day a glass for half an hour before food within 2 months. At the same time it is necessary to consider that infusion is not stored more than 4 days.
For treatment of a liver
Rather successfully the chaga is used at liver diseases.
At hepatitis and a liver failure advise:
- To keep 100 g of a dried product in warm water of 6 hours.
- Then to pound and fill in the softened body of a mushroom with liter of the warmed-up water.
- To keep the received mix day in the dark.
- To pass infusion through a gauze and to wring out remained.
- To accept infusion on a third of a glass four times a day 2 weeks. Also it is necessary to remember, as this infusion is stored no more than 4 days.
At prostatitis
The recipe at prostatitis is also simple, however addition of officinal herbs is required here.
Here is how to prepare means:
- 2 tablespoons of the crushed mushroom, 1 tablespoon of a grass of a St. John's wort and 1 tablespoon of a celandine are filled up in boiled water liter.
- Mix infuses 2 hours with use at the same time of a thermos.
- Within 1–2 months the received infusion is drunk before meal on a third of a glass by three times a day.
It is important! As continuous reception of a chaga can negatively affect work of nervous system, every other month treatment course it is recommended to take a ten-day break.
At a hypertension
Ability of a chaga to fight against bad cholesterol, improving functioning of a cardiovascular system in general, allows to normalize also arterial blood pressure. Effectively to struggle with hypertensia, it is recommended:
- To add a dessertspoon of the crushed mushroom to the same spoon of seeds of fennel and to a tablespoon of dry boyaryshnikovy berries.
- To pour out all this in warm water then to draw a quarter of days.
- Infusion needs to be used for 4 weeks, accepting daily three times 100 ml.
At uterus myoma
Medical medicines on the basis of a birch mushroom are capable to stop inflammation processes at myoma of a uterus, to eliminate pain syndromes and to slow down development of miomatozny knots. Especially effectively it is shown in an initial stage of a disease.
Important! Even it is impossible to store this broth in the fridge more than three days.
Remedy which is prepared as follows is most spread:
- Dried raw materials from a mushroom are filled in with the cooled-down boiled water in a proportion 1 to 5 and left for soaking on a third of days.
- The softened and wrung out chaga is grated.
- The crushed mushroom is filled in water in which it was soaked, heating mix for an hour and not allowing it to boil.
- Then means should be cooled and passed through a gauze.
- Broth is accepted for 3 months of 6 times daily on a half-glass. After a two-week pause the course needs to be repeated.
Treatment of psoriasis
Remedy from a birch mushroom is capable to help even at such disease as psoriasis which is difficult responding to treatment. Only several intake of infusion from a chaga at external application by means of appliques and compresses gives noticeable simplification to integuments.
For appliques do infusion so:
- The crushed mushroom is placed in a thermos and filled in with boiled water in the ratio 1 to 5.
- In half an hour in the received infusion moisten a sterile gauze and do applique on affected areas of integuments.
For compresses do the same, but with addition of a tablespoon of the crushed plantain grass. The compress is usually put for the night. The course of treatment lasts two weeks.
Successfully parasitizing on a birch of a chag becomes fine, and often and the irreplaceable assistant to the person in fight against many diseases. The modern pharmacology overflowed with chemistry often does not sustain the competition to natural drugstore where not the last place is taken by a birch mushroom.