How to choose landing tanks for cultivated flowers

How to choose landing tanks for cultivated flowers

Cultivation of annual plants in pots and konteynerkh is very popular as it is convenient, practical and it is very beautiful. The choice of landing tanks rather big, all of them have the merits and demerits. For planting of flowers it is possible to adapt also absolutely unexpected objects, but in this case it will be necessary to consider number of the moments.



Consider merits and demerits of material of which landing tanks are made


Pluses: eco-friendly, air arrives to roots.

Minuses: the soil quickly dries up, the tree spoils under the influence of moisture.

What to pay attention to: give preference to tanks from oak, rowans or larches - they are least subject to negative impact of moisture; it is possible to process special solution or to cover from within waterproofing material.



Pluses: eco-friendly, passes air to roots.

Minuses: the soil quickly dries up therefore more frequent watering is required; fragile material.

What to pay attention to: the ceramic pots covered with glaze do not pass air; for the winter remove pots, otherwise they will crack.



Pluses: moisture from the soil long evaporates; durable.

Minuses: in the sun strongly heats up.

What to pay attention to: expose metal tanks in half-shade.



Pluses: eco-friendly; strong and reliable; is not afraid of moisture.

Minuses: heavy, low mobility.

What to pay attention to: containers can be made of concrete and to give them any form - huge scope for creative decisions.



Pluses: long keep moisture in capacity; mobile.

Minuses: short-lived, heat up in the sun.

What to pay attention to: the quality of plastic can be various and, respectively, life cycle; the bright surface burns out in the sun.


Consider diversity of species and types of landing tanks


Traditional and most widespread type of landing capacity.

Pots differ in form, the size and color and also material of which are made.

Pots of the big sizes allow to water plants more rare as moisture evaporates more slowly; in small and small pots the soil dries up very quickly.

In pots with vertical walls, in comparison with inclined planes moisture from the soil also evaporates more slowly.

In pot with bright or motley coloring it is better to plant modest flowers not to create excess of accents.


Containers and boxes

This type of landing tanks is ideal for decoration of eaves and balconies of houses or apartments. Well they look and on verandy, terraces and beds.

Can be standard, with inserts or even the built-in system of autowatering.


Flowerpots, bowls

Give special refinement and refinement to flower bed. However, consider that they will fit not into any landscape.

First of all, be guided by style of your house and site.



It is very convenient to use baskets for cultivation of ampelous plants. Suspended baskets are subdivided into several types:

- trellised baskets from metal wire with plastic covering or forged from iron;

- wooden baskets, represent boxes with fastenings for rope or chain;

- plastic baskets;

- wicker baskets from rods, look very naturally, but are short-lived.


Nonconventional landing tanks

For planting of annual flowers it is possible to use also nonconventional things, for example, old boots, boots and shoes.

Also the old kitchen utensils will quite fit: pans, cauldrons and so forth.

Use of bicycles for creation of unusual flower compositions is very popular.

The choice is rather big, everything depends only on your imagination, but it is necessary to consider several moments. When choosing possible object for landing in it of flowers, answer two questions:

- whether it will sustain earth weight with plants;

- whether its exterior and integrity during the season, including under the influence of adverse weather conditions (heavy rain and wind) will deteriorate.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
