Heating of the house in our latitudes – obligatory thing. If the boiler is called heart of heating system of the house, then pipes are vessels. Big popularity pipes from polymeric materials enjoy. At their mounting the difficult equipment is not required. Polypropylene pipes at the affordable price are resistant to defrosting: on them there are no cracks, there are no gaps. They are reliable on the system of welding, are not exposed to corrosion and have esthetic appearance.
It is required to you
- - pipes
- - fitting
- - teflon tape
- - tools for performance of connections
- - plastic traffic jams
1. Starting installation of system, examine pipes and feature connectors. Use in work only those from them which have not been polluted or damaged as a result of storage or transportation. Minimum temperature at which it is possible to mount polypropylene pipes is 5 degrees above zero. At lower temperature indicators it will be extremely difficult to provide high-quality connection.
2. Also consider ambient temperature at pipe bending without heating – it has to be not below +15 °C. The smallest bend radius of pipe with a diameter from 16 to 32 mm is equal to eight diameters of the bent pipe. You make crossing of pipelines by means of special part which is called crossing.
3. For connection of parts from polypropylene use polifuzny, butt-seam welding, welding with application of electrofitting. When welding the high-quality homogeneous seam is formed. Use suitable tools when performing connection.
4. On polypropylene parts the thread cannot be cut therefore use the corresponding fitting. Apply teflon tape or other condensing threads to consolidation of the threaded connection. The metal pipeline which is located behind the combined fitting cannot be connected soldering or welding near knot to prevent heat transport on it.
5. For the period of finishing work block wall knee and other parts intended for connection to the system of water folding armature, plastic filling screws.
6. Choose way of fastening depending on type of support: mobile and motionless. When fastening by means of movable bearings the pipeline has no opportunity to evade from route axis, but can make compensation movements (compression, expansion). Pipes fix collar on the suspender, laying of the pipeline in isolation. When fastening by means of motionless support (by means of couplings, installation of bracket between fitting, etc.) the pipeline has no possibility of compensation.
7. The minimum bias with which the pipeline is mounted has to make 0.05% towards the lowest places where it is possible to empty it by means of drainage cranes or valves with drainage system. Separate the pipeline into sites which, in case of need, can be blocked.
8. For overlapping use ball valves or valves through passage. Before installation surely check them for working capacity. On sites of mounting of water folding armature finish service pipe by means of wall set or wall squares.
9. After pipe installation fill it with water and in 24 hours make hydraulic test. Gradually increase pressure in the filled pipes to test indicator. Test duration – 60 minutes, is allowed the maximum pressure loss up to 0.02 MPas at this time. In case falling exceeds this indicator, find the place of leak, fix problem and again carry out test by pressure.