The good harvest directly depends on quality of seedling. In turn, the quality of seedling depends on seeds. That in the summer to reap sound crop of eggplants, it is necessary to be guided by some important points of their cultivation.
1. Optimum landing time of seedling - 50-60 days before disembarkation to the open ground. So seedling completely will get stronger and will not manage to dry up. Ideal month for disembarkation – May (or the beginning of June).
2. For landing use the earth of own preparation. Train her at the rate of 25% of sawdust or sand and 75% of peat. In case peat sour, process it lime. Surely water with fertilizer, for example, superphosphate or ammonium nitrate. In this case substrate will turn out non-uniform.
3. Eggplant very gentle plant if to grow up seedling in boxes, then change of seedling part of roots is ruined. It is better to grow up seedling in pots at temperature of 24-25 degrees. Put seeds in the middle of capacity, water with a little warm water and powder with soil approximately on 5-7 mm, surely cover with film.
4. As soon as eggplants have ascended, transfer them to the light place as eggplants very much love light, and at bad illumination the seedlings are strongly extended. After growth of leaf replace seedling in pots with a diameter about 10-12 cm, surely attract them for 1-2 days for process acceleration.
5. If you after all have to sow eggplants in boxes, then in time you hold sword-play. Humidify the soil on all depth, only well developed seedlings will be suitable for sword-play. Water with solution of potassium and calcic saltpeter at the rate of 1 teaspoon, on 1 l of water. Do not pour the soil, excess of moisture, also as well as the shortcoming it, leads to death of plant.
6. Plant seedling on beds when you are precisely sure that frosts will not be, and the earth will get warm up to 20 degrees. If to plant eggplant to the cold soil, then it will cease to grow. Only after successful infructescence and at good solar lighting lower temperature will not affect growth of fruits, and you receive rich harvest.