Red ants are not dangerous to people and pets. However the close neighbourhood with these insects can hardly cause delight in someone. Thanks to the small sizes, red ants are capable to get into the most unexpected places. And if not to take the appropriate measures, you will be able to find uninvited guests not only in the kitchen soon, but also in own bed.
1. Make baits for red antsZhidkaya bait. Take 50 ml of water, 50 g of granulated sugar and 5 g of boric acid or drills. Add 1/2 teaspoons of jam or honey. Carefully mix the received mix, pour it on pretty saucers and establish saucers on ant paths. Barmy bait. Prepare dense paste from the yeast divorced water with addition of jam or honey. Roll balls from the received mix and spread out them along the line ants. This mix is pernicious for these insects. Dry bait. Mix in equal shares granulated sugar, boric acid and to drill. Scatter bait on ant paths. Liquid bait with glycerin. Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of boric acid or drills, 2 tablespoons of glycerin and 2 tablespoons of water. Heat the received mix on small fire, continuously stirring slowly. Achieve full dissolution of all components. It is necessary to consider that the quantity drills or boric acid in these recipes is not recommended to be increased since the compounding is calculated so that working ants have managed to carry the poisoned food to the slot.
2. Try to find the ant ant slot of gnezdonayta - difficult task as ants are very small by the size they can equip the house in the most hard-to-reach spot. To find the slot, try to trace the movement of red ants. If you manage to find their house and to destroy ant uterus - you is guaranteed you will get rid of uninvited guests. Being engaged in search of the slot, it is recommended to keep in readiness aerosol barrel with "Dichlorvos" or any other similar means.
3. You keep the house clean, especially it concerns kitchen and table zones. Carefully wipe all crumbs and the remains of food. You watch that in sink there was no water droplet left. Remove all products in hermetically closed banks. Grease edges of plastic bags in which products are stored, with sunflower oil - its smell frightens off ants.