The attention to the finishing operations on registration of curtains for windows speaks about delicate taste and sense of style. The right choice of processing of edge will recover fabric, will harmoniously connect window frame to design of the room. There are many different ways for finishing of edge of curtains – fringe, frills, tapes, scallops, tape, edging and other original options.
It is required to you
- tape, pins with round heads, scissors, the sewing machine
1. To sew tape on curtains special skills are not required, any beginner having desire and the sewing machine will easily cope with it. For a start get the tape suitable to your curtains in shop. Remember that it will be better if you buy a little more finishing, than it is less. Not enough piece of tape bought late can not coincide on color and on width, and work will look not accurately.
2. Be defined where the tape will be sewn. It it is possible to process only bottom edge of curtains or to scribble on all perimeter. The tape can be on face side and also can be sewn to reverse, and then the looking-out edge of contrast tape will look especially elegantly.
3. Spread out curtains and carefully iron out their edges there where you are going to hem tape. It will be easier to work at big table as with volume material to the beginner it will be difficult to cope first.
4. Stock up with tailor's pins with round heads. They will help to record tape in the right place and considerably will facilitate work. Accurately to pritachayta tape on the machine equal seam, having established normal claw or special claw for sewing of tape. The size of stitch establish average – the 1-2nd. Having finished work, remove pins and iron out finished product. Then hang up curtains on the prepared place.
5. Having made sure that independently it is not difficult to sew tape on curtains at all, you will surely want to update all the windows, experimenting with different materials of fringing. And every time is occupation will bring more and more pleasure to you and your relatives, and the mood created by the hands will bring harmony and cosiness to your house.