Greasy spots on furniture, carpets, clothes – the phenomenon not palatable. Modern means are not always capable to help with the solution of this problem. In this case it is possible to address the checked national councils and recommendations.
It is required to you
- - gasoline;
- - sal ammoniac;
- - alcohol;
- - vinegar;
- - potato starch;
- - iron;
- - talc;
- - napkins;
- - salt;
- - chalk;
- - means for washing of ware.
1. It is possible to clean greasy spot by means of salt. For this purpose fill up the polluted site with table salt and leave for 2-3 hours. After that clean spot by means of rigid brush. This method approaches if pollution is fresher and has not managed to dry up yet.
2. Household chemicals are also capable to help with fight against spots from fat if pollution is received recently. For this purpose you will need stain remover or modern cleaning agent which can be got in department of household chemicals or specialized shop. Under greasy spot enclose piece of pure fabric. By means of cotton tampon apply cleaning agent on the polluted site, accurately distributing it from edges of spot to the middle. In 10-15 minutes rinse fabric with warm water.
3. The old spot can be cleaned from fat by means of napkin and the iron. For this purpose put the tissue put in several layers from inner and face side of pollution. The iron heated to 180-200 degrees iron spot several times. The napkin under the influence of hot temperature will perfectly absorb in itself fat therefore it needs to be changed periodically.
4. For removal of greasy spot put with talc (chalk) it from inner and face side of the polluted site as follows: the first layer – powder, the second – paper. From above put some cargo. In 24 hours shake residues of powder and wash product with addition of soap solution or laundry detergent. In case of need the procedure can be repeated.
5. Potato starch also effectively copes with spots from fat. Apply layer of starch on the polluted site and accurately pound on surface. By means of rigid brush remove powder. Repeat the procedure before total disappearance of spot.
6. Sal ammoniac, gasoline and alcohol perfectly will be suitable for old spots from fat. For this purpose you will need to mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia solution, ½ teaspoons of gasoline, 1 tablespoon of alcohol. Apply this solution on the polluted site. In 1-2 hours wash product in hot water with addition of soap powder or laundry detergent.