Strawberry is tasty and juicy berry which contains large amount of vitamins and microelements. At observance of agrotechnology of cultivation it is possible to receive abundant harvest. That berries were large and tasty, it is necessary to delete plant mustache systematically.
Leave mustache at strawberry only if you are going to receive planting stock for reproduction. For seedling leave several bushes on which let's grow and take roots to three sockets. At the same time do not forget that when receiving the seedling you do not receive from maternal bush of abundant harvest of berries or, as a last resort, berries will grow, but will be small. The first socket which is cut off from maternal bush are the most valuable seedling strawberries which has kept all qualities of the grown-up grade.
The first mustache appear at strawberry after blossoming. You can remove them at once or wait when there is mass emergence of mustache and to carry out work on their cutting at the same time.
You carry out cutting of mustache on sunny, dry day to morning or evening. By means of normal scissors or secateurs accurately cut off shoot to maternal bush. During cutting in addition carry out work on removal of the withering and dry leaves. After the fructification period before approach of cold season, on strawberry it is possible to leave only naked stalks. As soon as cutting of mustache is finished, at once process plantation means from wreckers and diseases. You can get it in shop for gardeners and gardeners. Trade names can be different. As national methods of protection of strawberry against wreckers and diseases use wood ashes. On 1 square meter 100 g of the sifted ashes will be required. After cutting make plantation ready for the winter. For this purpose carefully powder beds with needle case. It will help plants to winter without special losses and to yield abundant harvest next year. Removal of mustache is rather labor-consuming procedure. If you are not ready to hold annually it, part grades of strawberry without mustache: Alexandria, Ali-Baba, Holliday, "Weis Solemakher", "Yellow miracle", Rügen and others.