The end of summer — time to take care of preparations for the winter. For example, to make marinated watermelons. Of course, the sweet-sour taste of such watermelons differs from fresh, but this unusual snack perfectly will approach meat dishes.
It is required to you
- On a 3-liter jar:
- — small watermelon;
- — 1 l of water;
- — on 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar;
- — 1 tablespoons of acetic essence;
- — 6 garlic gloves;
- — 10 peas of a black pepper;
- — 3 bay leaves;
- — 3 seeds of cardamom.
1. Choose red or brown thin-skinned a little immature strong fruits for pickling. Wash out watermelon under cold water, dry. Cut off a crust from two parties about an inflorescence and a fruit stem. Cut watermelon small circles about 1.5-2 cm thick, and then cut medium-sized segments so that they freely passed in bank. It isn't obligatory to delete grains. At will it is possible to cut off a green skin.
2. Wash up banks, sterilize them over steam, dry up and cool. Boil covers 3 minutes. On a bottom banks put peppercorn, bay leaf, garlic gloves and seeds of cardamom. Except these spices it is possible to use a carnation, umbrellas of fennel, a parsley branch to taste. From above lay water-melon pieces as it is possible more densely as they will a little settle.
3. Fill in with the boiling water, sending a stream to the center that bank I didn't burst. Cover a neck of sterilized, wrap up to bank with a towel and leave before cooling for 8-10 minutes. During this time water-melon pieces will well get warm and spices will give the aroma.
4. Drain water in a separate pan, add salt and sugar. You boil marinade about 10 minutes to full sugar remelting and salt. Filter a brine through 2-3 layers of a gauze. Then again bring to the boil and pour in acetic essence. On the 3rd one-liter jar about 1 l of a brine is required on average.
5. Fill in banks to the brim with a warm marinade and hermetically roll up covers. Turn banks with marinated watermelons upside down, wrap up with a blanket and completely cool. You store crunchy marinated watermelons in the dark cool place (in a cellar or in the basement). If you want to keep banks in usual conditions at the room temperature, then they need to be sterilized before closing covers. For this purpose on a bottom of a wide pan lay a kitchen towel, pour water and put cups with watermelons. Bring to the boil and sterilize within 10 minutes.