In what frying pan it is better to cook pancakes?

In what frying pan it is better to cook pancakes?

In preparation of pancakes there are many small nuances which should be considered. We will tell, it is important to choose and prepare a frying pan truly.


1. The pig-iron frying pan is better than others is suitable for baking of pancakes. It evenly heats up and heat holds long.

2. Surely before beginning to bake pancakes oil a frying pan, but oils at the same time has to be very little, otherwise you risk to bake too fat pancakes. Use a special culinary brush and you won't be mistaken with oil. Grease all inner surface of a frying pan, but you watch that there were no drips.

3. Thickness of pancake depends on that how many the test you will pour on a frying pan. Therefore it is worth finding the frying pan and a ladle suiting one another and to use them. Drip a little test in the center of a frying pan and few times incline it here and there - so it will evenly spread on all surface.

4. For baking it is necessary to warm a frying pan properly. Often the first pancake leaves unsuccessful because the frying pan doesn't manage to get warm properly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
