How to work out the system of the equations

How to work out the system of the equations

The equation call analytical record of a task about investigation of values of arguments at which values of two these functions are equal. The system is a set of the equations for which it is required to find values of the unknown satisfying at the same time to all these equations. As the successful solution of a task is impossible without correctly made system of the equations, it is necessary to know the basic principles of drawing up similar systems.

How to solve the uniform systems of the linear equations

How to solve the uniform systems of the linear equations

The uniform system of the linear equations means the fact that the free member of each equation is equal in a system to zero. Thus, this system represents linear combinations.

How to solve the system equation

How to solve the system equation

The solution of a system of the equations is difficult and fascinating. The system is more difficult, the it is more interesting to solve it. Most often in mathematics of high school the systems of the equations meet two unknown, but in the higher mathematics of variables maybe more. It is possible to solve systems by several methods.

How to simplify expression

How to simplify expression

That quickly and effectively to make calculations, simplify mathematical expressions. For this purpose use the mathematical ratios allowing to make expression is shorter, and to simplify calculations.

How to solve problems a simplex method

How to solve problems a simplex method

When in tasks is available N-unknown, the area of admissible decisions within the system of the limiting conditions is a convex polyhedron in N-dimensional space. Therefore, it is graphically impossible to solve such problem, here it is necessary to apply a simplex method of linear programming.