How quickly to lower cholesterol in house conditions?

How quickly to lower cholesterol in house conditions?

About danger of high level of cholesterol did not hear unless the baby. This connection is accused of many problems with health, and, above all, of creating favorable conditions for formation of blood clots. Therefore information on how in house conditions to quickly lower cholesterol level in blood, will not be superfluous. But it is worth remembering that this fatty alcohol bears not only harm, without it it will be possible to forget about health of vessels so it is too strong it is not necessary to be fond of its reduction.

How quickly to lower cholesterol in house conditions?

Distinguish serumal (LPVP) and food (LDL) cholesterol. The first is developed by an organism for maintenance of elasticity of cellular membranes and vessels, the second arrives from the outside. Here it is also necessary to fight against the second indicator. As it is about house means to quickly lower cholesterol content in blood with use of national ways, it is not necessary to use any medicines given according to the recipe.

  1. Reduce consumption of pork and eggs. In the first many saturated fats, secondly – cholesterol. One egg contains almost standard daily rate of this connection, but it concerns only a yolk, proteins can be eaten fearlessly. The organism of the healthy person is capable to process the high number of this connection, and here in the presence of problems it is better to eat no more than 3 eggs a week.
  2. You watch weight. The organism independently produces cholesterol, and each added halves a kilo increase its level on 2 points. Therefore with an excess weight it is worth getting it together, but only a healthy image. It means a diet on two thirds consisting of fruit, porridges and vegetables. The rest can be filled with dairy products and fast meat (it is better beef or a bird).
  3. Physical exercises. Intensive trainings reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and also increases ability of an organism to clarification from fats. So, at runners it to make chances is 75% higher, than at those who do not train at all.
  4. You do not smoke. Results a research showed that 20 cigarettes a week significantly are raised by level. But there are data that if the habit exists several years, then its sharp loss can quickly raise amount of cholesterol.
  5. It is less than coffee. Researchers did not manage to understand what component provokes accumulation of this connection, but the fact is available. It is interesting that it does not belong to the drink made by a filtering method.
  6. Listen to music. The genre is unimportant, the main thing that it helped to relax.

The products lowering cholesterol in blood

Pleases that for fight against a problem it is possible not only to limit itself in everything, but also to diversify the diet with the following products.

  1. Fruit. Grapefruit which is capable to reduce in 8 weeks cholesterol level by 7.6% is especially effective. However, for this purpose it is necessary to eat 1-1.5 fruits every day. Therefore it is possible to add other fruit, all citrus and apples are good.
  2. Green tea. It is proved that the preference to this drink helps to support the normal level of cholesterol even at a diet with its high content.
  3. Carrots. 1-2 in day and for a half-month, cholesterol will drop by 5-10%.
  4. Barley, beans, haricot and lentil. The constant use of these products can reduce the level of harmful compound twice.
  5. Eggplants. Except the necessary influence they at the expense of the content of potassium also will support a cardiovascular system.
  6. Oat bran and bilberry. Are very effective, besides the last also will help sight.

How quickly to lower cholesterol in blood folk remedies?

Mix on a glass of seeds of fennel and honey, add a valerian root tablespoon, mix and fill in with liter of the boiling water. Having insisted all 1 day, three times a day in 20 minutes prior to meal accept on a tablespoon. You store in the fridge.

Also scientists proved beneficial influence of garlic, but for this purpose it is necessary much. To simplify a task it is offered to prepare oil or tincture. For the first recipe it is necessary to crush 10 cloves in gruel, to add to 2 glasses of olive oil and to insist week. Then it is possible to use as seasoning.

Tincture is done of 200 ml of alcohol and 300 g of the crushed garlic. It has to infuse in the dark place 2 weeks, then it is applied on 2 drops three times a day, gradually increasing a dose up to 20. Then within a week reduce reception to 2 drops. At problems with digestion it is better to combine reception with milk. The course can be repeated not more often than time in 3 years.

Besides, good results are yielded by the use of mix of fresh juices. It is useful to combine 2-3 types of the following juice: carrot, apple, cucumber, cabbage, orange and juice of a celery.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
