There is a belief that strong will and character – congenital properties. And therefore some can reach big heights, and it is not given others. Fortunately, such opinion is wrong. The will can be strengthened. To all other, there are special methods of education and development of will power as it – as muscles or a certain ability, skill which are formed by trainings.
At the same time that as as the person does to gain will power is very important. Quite often he misunderstands as why tries to develop. He spends a lot of efforts to self-coercion, shows unshakable determination. And, living month without ice cream or on a bet jumping from height, thinks what tempers the character. He does not know how to check will power and why in general to do it. Not the senseless risk and not compulsion of to something unnecessary results the person in success and great achievements. And management of the actions and conscious self-checking.
To refuse to itself, for example, in sweets, and after to break and worry is an incorrect way. But whereas to develop and enhance will power? If, having set the purpose – to lose weight, play sports, to leave off smoking or something else – it is impossible to carry out planned in any way? It seems how to develop and strengthen will power, but not that nothing leaves. To choose from all existing methods of self-development that which seems to the most suitable and effective.
Will power – from the power of emotions
The person, whose will power is insufficient, carries out such exercise: he describes all negative consequences of the weakness on paper. It can be the missed opportunities or inability to protect themselves, fieriness or infliction of harm to the health. The grief is important to feel, disappointment, disappointment – these emotions will become an incentive for resolute change of and the behavior.
The next stage – to imagine and describe also in detail that will change after it turns out to increase will power. And to feel satisfaction, pride, pleasure. They will help to create a powerful impulse to development of will power.
Visualization and self-checking
The second reception is based on a statement that from temptations it is not necessary to run – it is necessary to be able to cope with them. Food or alcohol, laziness or habits can be temptation – it is not important with what to fight. Because it is necessary to develop will power in this approach, facing temptation and not giving in to it. Without any internal fight. It really gives powerful feeling of own force.
At the first stage it is necessary to represent itself in a desirable image – harmonious or sports, healthy or sure. It is necessary to feel surrounding space – smells, touches, colors.
The second stage – real "fitting" of a new image. Yet not change, yet not action. It is necessary just to put on a sports suit (if trainings for which there is no will power are planned), to walk near cafe (if the temptation is a food), to come into shop and to buy nothing. And it is convenient and pleasant to feel.
Decisive stage: to spend 10 minutes a day for that the movement to the purpose to make pleasant. That the gymnastics – was pleasant that the cup of coffee brought pleasure without cakes, in itself. Time can be increased as it is possible to strengthen will power and to enjoy process.
Attention – on the purpose
Masters of goal-setting are sure that instead of development of will power it is necessary to find time and attention to the purposes. It is simple to consider the prospects and intentions, to plan, it is possible – to dream. Daily on several minutes. It is easy, and it is even pleasant. It is useful to pronounce still the purposes in the present – as if they are already reached. The brain remembers and acquires a goal and in time prompts the correct decision, preserving against failures and temptations.
Development of will is development too
Here also it turns out that any person, even the weakest physically, is capable of big fulfillments. The winner is not the most talented and successful, and the one who does not stop before difficulties and goes forward. Here the answer to a question how to find will power – it is necessary to have desire and to move to the purpose.