Whether has began to smell iodine

Whether has began to smell iodine

Iodine — not too widespread in the nature, but at the same time very scattered substance. Its earth crust contains no more than 0.00005%. At the same time it is practically present at microscopic doses everywhere. For the first time iodine was emitted in 1811 by the French chemist Bernard Courtois from ashes of seaweed.

What metal the most refractory

What metal the most refractory

Tungsten — the most refractory metal, it is a little widespread in the nature and does not meet in a free look. Long time this metal did not find the broad application in the industry, only in the second half of the 19th century began to study influence of its additives on properties of steel.

Sulfur as chemical element

Sulfur as chemical element

Sulfur represents the 16th chemical element of the periodic table of Mendeleyev with alphabetic reference of "S" and with an atomic mass of 32.059 g/mol. She shows the expressed nonmetallic properties and also is in structure of different ions, forming acids and many salts.

Why in a periodic system metal properties change

Why in a periodic system metal properties change

Characteristic property of metal elements – ability to give the electrons which are at the external electronic level. Thus, metals reach a steady state (receiving completely filled previous electronic level). Nonmetal elements, on the contrary, seek not to give the electrons, and to accept strangers to fill the external level to a steady state.

Titan as chemical element

Titan as chemical element

Titanium is chemical element IV of group of periodic Mendeleev's system, it treats light metals. Natural titanium is presented by mix of five stable isotopes, also several artificial is known radioactive.