How to calculate number of atoms

How to calculate number of atoms

Scientists at a congress in Karlsruhe (Germany) in the 1860th year made the decision to call atom the smallest indivisible particle of substance which is the carrier of its chemical properties. Amount of atoms even in the tiniest, almost not distinguishable with the naked eye, a substance sample not just huge – grandiose. And whether it is possible to count somehow how many atoms contain in any given amount of substance?

What is natural selection

What is natural selection

Natural selection is a process of survival of the organisms which are most adapted for environmental conditions and death unadapted. It is the major driving factor of evolution of all living organisms. To such opening several scientists came almost at the same time: V. Wells, E. Blyth, A. Wallace and Ch. Darwin. The last created the whole theory on the basis of natural selection.

What the concept of a Big Bang consists in

What the concept of a Big Bang consists in

One of the directions of the natural sciences lying on border of physics, mathematics and partly even divinity is development and a research of theories of emergence of the Universe. Today scientists offered several cosmological models, the concept of the Big Bang is standard.

Formation and evolution of the Solar system

Formation and evolution of the Solar system

It is considered to be that the Solar system in which people of Earth happened to live arose about 4.5-5 billion years ago and as some scientists believe, as much again time can exist. Today the set of theories of education and evolution of stars and planetary systems is known. But the majority them them are only more or less reasonable hypotheses needing confirmation.

What is studied by medical genetics

What is studied by medical genetics

The medical genetics studies hereditary diseases and factors which provoke them. This science arose on the basis of the general medicine at the beginning of the 20th century. Thanks to its achievements the emergence of drugs for hereditary diseases is shortly possible.