What color table salt

What color table salt

This foodstuff is familiar to everyone. Table salt is widely used in life. It is applied to preparation of many types of food. What color of this product is? This property of salt is defined by its chemical composition and the place of origin.

How to extract oxygen

How to extract oxygen

Oxygen – gas without color, a smell and taste. Is on the second ambassador of hydrogen the place by quantity on our planet. Chemically active nonmetal. Strong oxidizer. It is possible to extract oxygen, using chemical reactions of decomposition of potassium chloride (potassium chlorate) and in small amounts to receive potassium permanganate heating (potassium permanganate) and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). Also oxygen can be extracted from hydrogen peroxide.

Ecology as modern science

Ecology as modern science

The biosphere of the planet already long time experiences serious strain. To keep the house, the mankind needs to make purposeful efforts. The ecology, integrated science about the environment helps to solve similar problems. The modern ecology consists of several interconnected tiers, on each of which the specific problems concerning the environment of natural dwelling of the person are considered.

How to determine the mass of oxygen

How to determine the mass of oxygen

Perhaps, it is impossible to find an element, so necessary for life, as oxygen. If without food of people several weeks, without water several days, then without oxygen – only several minutes can live. This substance finds broad application in the different fields of the industry, including chemical and also as a component of rocket fuel (oxidizer).

What is studied by ecology

What is studied by ecology

Everyone day of people are heard by a set of various terms and scientific definitions: in media, in a talk, at lectures... Often, turning to information a deaf ear, he does not think of their value. Speaking about ecology call it science "about environmental protection", but what sense should be put in this concept actually?