What is genetics

What is genetics

People at the intuitive level felt the fact that living organisms transfer the signs and properties to descendants long ago. The peasant left the largest seeds for crops, wishing to receive a good harvest. Naturally, long time of people could not find a rational explanation for the observed phenomena. The first attempts were made still by Hippocrates.

What is a triplet (codon)

What is a triplet (codon)

Protein biosynthesis – the major process in a living organism. Each cage contains a set of proteins including those that are inherent only in this type of cages. As all proteins collapse sooner or later, they need to be restored continuously. This process demands expenses of energy which universal source is ATP.

How to determine melting temperature

How to determine melting temperature

Temperature of melting of solid substance is taken for definition of degree of its purity. Impurity in pure substance usually lower temperature of melting or increase an interval in which connection melts. The method with use of a capillary is classical for control of content of impurity.

How to lift electrolyte density

How to lift electrolyte density

Density of electrolyte decreases at an accumulator discharge where it is filled in. To lift its density, try to charge the accumulator before boiling in banks. If after that density of electrolyte did not rise to the necessary indicator, make in it room and add sulfuric acid.

How to determine atom oxidation level in connection

How to determine atom oxidation level in connection

Atom, forming a chemical bond with others, can become a positively charged or negatively charged ion. It depends on that how many electrons it will give to the next atoms, or, on the contrary, will attract to itself. The quantity of the given or attracted electrons characterizes such concept as oxidation level. That is, if atom gave one electron, its oxidation level will be +1. And if it accepted two others electrons, then its oxidation level will be-2.