Quite often the people meeting with each other already throughout some time doubt what of feelings forces them to be together: love or sympathy. And how to distinguish one from another?
1. Think of whether you for this person only want all the best, even in spite of the fact that he, perhaps, at all does not treat you with the same warmth. Perhaps, it is also one of signs of love. But it is also sign and sympathies.
2. Whether you continue to test the same light relation to this person if he prefers you other partner, and will reject you, without having given up even hope for an opportunity to be together with it. If the answer is affirmative, then it can also be considered one of signs of that feeling which people call love.
3. Whether your heart fades with the fact that this person looks at you, smiles to you. Whether you feel at the same time in "the seventh sky". If "yes", then probably you love. If the answer negative - probably, is only sympathy, though strong.
4. If you positively answer for yourself a question that you are ready to make anything if only know that that person of whom you dream is alive, healthy and happy (even if for a huge number of kilometers from you), then it is possible to tell surely that this one of signs of love.
5. Whether you are ready at the same time the person who is dear to you to live together long life, to halve together adversities and pleasures, to give all itself, all forces to make life of this person of the happiest. And at the same time not to demand anything in exchange. If "yes", then congratulate yourself – you love. Sympathy not so all-consuming and strong feeling in comparison with love.
6. Whether it is interesting to you with it, without looking on any circumstances whether you want to be with it always nearby, all life. The affirmative answer brings closer you to the answer that the had feeling - love.
7. Whether attracts you to this person as the personality and the representative of an opposite sex at the same time. If so it also is, then it is probably love.
8. Whether you wish all to have heart of the general children with the person of whom you think, resolving an issue sympathy or love you to it feel. And whether it will be joyful to find to you in the general children of line of this person, rejoicing and having at the same time feeling of tenderness and pride. If you are sure that so it also will be - possibly, you love.
9. If all other representatives of an opposite sex ceased to interest you as sexual objects, having turned into "beings of a neutral gender", then, probably, the speech can already go not about sympathy, and about love.