The easiest way to show discontent or aggression – to be expressed and get nasty obscenely. First of all it indicates narrow-mindedness and limitation, and defects of education.
Daily the person faces different manifestation of rudeness, especially often it meets in public transport. Not to assimilate to such behavior, it is necessary to know how to offend the person rationally, without humiliating it and without using strong words, the aggressive behavior negatively affects own psychological state, causing annoyance which leads to stresses, and in certain cases, even to a depression.
How it is possible to offend the person cleverly?
To give the correct repulse to the offender, it is necessary to find out in what the reason of his aggression. You should not perceive the words told by someone literally as it occurred on emotions and often absolutely unconsciously. The most universal and correct decision in such situation is silence. Try not to react to the words of the offender, so it will be possible to show him that it does not concern you in any way. Psychologists recommend to present mentally themselves under an invisible cap which protects from a foreign negative. Sometimes it is enough to ask in response to rough words to the offender a question: "Bad day?" or "Got up on the wrong side of the bed?". Thus, you cleverly offend the person and will put him into place as point to it to his offense. If it was told, on emotions, then you by all means will hear apologies. It is better not to use this method if you know that at the opponent the language is suspended, and he on each word can think up a lot more the reciprocal offending phrases.
In certain cases it is possible to choose humour. Thanks to a joke it will be possible to respond adequately to aggression, and still it will help to relieve the tension and to smooth the conflict. As a result the situation will look so that you derive sheer pleasure how other person flies into a rage and swears. You should not use this method when insults serious and really touch the advantage as people around can think that before them the weak personality.
Phrases as it is smart to offend the person:
- you should not equal all people under yourself;
- I will not fall to your level;
- that to surprise me, you need to tell though something clever;
- the nature on you is visible has a rest a little;
- insufficiency of intelligence cannot be compensated by something.
If it is impossible to offend the person by clever words, then just paraphrase the told words in its party. It will allow to indicate its wrongfulness, but at the same time you will not add "oil in fire".