The first appointment with the foreigner

The first appointment with the foreigner

Do you expect the foreign guest? It is necessary to be prepared for the first appointment carefully. Take the given advice.


1. The clothes have to be picked up with all care, modestly, but with taste. You do not hurry to subdue the foreign man the sexuality, having put on a miniskirt and a low-cut blouse. Men of all countries identical. If your dress is too revealing, it will be regarded as a hint on intim. If you set a goal to win the heart of the man and to build with it the serious relations, then leave demonstration of the delights for later.

2. Abroad the most fashionable image for the woman the naturalness is considered. Women do not do an evening make-up in the afternoon, gathering for walk. Too bright make-up, is recognized, to be considered as vulgar. Therefore it is enough to you to emphasize slightly features, to give to freshness an easy flush, it is better to use shadows and lipstick light tones.

3. Before arrival of the foreign guest, make the careful plan of excursions for your city. Try to include the most significant sights, think over what cafes and restaurants you will be able to visit. Sightseeing can be alternated to active holiday. Driving on skates, rollers, everything depends on preferences of your gentleman, show it that you the active sporty girl.

4. Prepare an original souvenir for the man, such courtesies are very much appreciated abroad. Do not take in attention if on the first appointment, to you nothing was presented. Even wealthy men do not seek to spend money for the woman at once, will not understand yet, how sincerely she treats it whether it is ready to the serious relations.

5. Do not forget to smile constantly even if at first, the conversation is not glued, the foreign man will apprehend lack of a smile as malevolence. The abroad people who only got acquainted and feel awkward before each other, smile much, it is the sign of the fact that the man is not indifferent.

6. Think over in advance possible subjects for a conversation. It is worth speaking about neutral things. The family and friends, work, study, personal hobbies, avoid long pauses. Even if, in fact, you the person reticent as you receive the guest, then try to make everything that he felt comfortably. Ask unostentatious questions of its native land, traditions, national cuisine.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
