As in house conditions to pump up the bottom

As in house conditions to pump up the bottom

The developed gluteuses create the beautiful bend of the women's figure. It is possible to pump up them in gym, but house occupations will help to achieve the necessary effect too. It is important to make correctly the program of exercises and to keep to the balanced diet, the positive result will appear in the month.

Exercises for the beautiful bottom: what to choose

In house conditions a number of useful exercises of which it is possible to make the necessary complex is available. At first it is necessary to decide what result is necessary. The rule of fitness says: if it is necessary to burn excess fat, to lose weight and tighten skin, exercises are performed at the most intensive pace, till 14-15 repetitions for approach. It is necessary to begin with 1 set, gradually bringing their quantity to 3.

It is better for the thin girls wishing to increase the volume of gluteuses to perform exercises more slowly, on 8 repetitions for approach. Additional burdening is required: cuffs on ankles with filler, dumbbells or the post.

Before the occupations the warm-up, for example, of occupation on the exercise bike or ordinary gymnastics is necessary. It is important to warm all muscles well. After the complex it is necessary to do several stretching exercises. If it is necessary to develop at the same time muscles and to get rid of the excess fat layer, it is recommended to finish the complex with intensive cardio-loading: walking on the stepper, run, rope jumping.  

Complex for beginners

The best exercise for development of gluteuses – squats. The home position – legs are placed shoulder width apart, feet are parallel each other. Having sat down so that hips were at right angle to the floor, to extend hands before itself. During exercise to monitor breath.

To complicate the movement, having taken the signature stamp from the post and having put it on crying. One more option is to squat, serially taking away legs back, and bending hands in elbows.

Well deep lunges tighten back muscles of the budr. Having risen directly, to lunge the left leg back, slightly getting it for basic right and bending in the knee. To keep buttocks in suspense, to tuck the stomach in. For several seconds to be late in this situation and to return the leg into place.

Swings the bent leg in the standing position on a lap are very effective. Straight arms rest against the floor, the back direct, the belt is tightened. The leg bent in the knee rises as it is possible above, the backbone remains motionless, the foot is strained, the sock isn't extended. Having made 15 intensive swings, to repeat exercise by other leg.

The ordinary bridge will help to tighten sluggish muscles. Lying on the back, to bend legs in knees, to extend hands along the body. To sharply lift the basin, being late in this situation for several seconds, at the same time straining buttocks.

In conclusion of the complex to make the extension. Sitting on the floor, to reach for socks of legs, feeling strong tension in hips and calves. To rise, raise hands, to stretch up, rising on tiptoe.

To achieve visible effect, it is necessary to give exercise not less than half an hour in day, supplementing them with cardioloading. Also the balanced diet with low-fat meat, vegetables, wholegrain grain will help to strengthen muscles of buttocks.   

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
