Of advantage of yoga the human body is known much. But not to do much harm to itself, it is worth carrying out only the correct exercises, it is desirable in advance having got acquainted with all possible directions of the Indian exercises. Among other known the technician and the practician it is worth allocating to the yogi Patanjali which, by the way, is one of the most demanded.
Name of Patanjali for certain to familiarly many judges of east philosophical doctrines — especially that who already practiced yoga. The wise man preached importance of practice of an asana in the 2nd century BC, it still has many followers.
Learn what directions in yoga and in what their main differences happen.
He is considered the founder of school of Darshana as devoted the life to search of a way of reunion with the Divine (condition of the Move of Samadhi) and to expansion of sides of reason.
Patanjali is the author of the treatise Yoga-Sutra which became a peculiar result of all gained philosophical knowledge of India of that time. The wise man performed a lot of work, trying to generalize and bring already available experience to the new level of understanding.
Only thanks to hard work and long loneliness of Patanjali could receive such good results in personal practice and in teaching yoga (the truth, it is still unknown where he carried out asanas and when with their help reached enlightenment). It is possible to tell that the image of this Indian wise man and philosopher still is completely not studied.
Whether you know? Many yogis believed in ancient times that the quantity of breaths and exhalations of the person is limited therefore longer to live, it is necessary to breathe more slowly.
In the work Yoga-sutra Patanjali defines yoga as ashtanga — yoga of eight steps. In general this full management for qualitative and full-fledged life with observance of moral instructions and also performance of all manuals for support of health in all its manifestations. At the first stage (these are the first 4 steps) the person has to improve himself and learn to control completely the body that at the second stage (following four steps) it is easy to plunge into himself and to go to an internal travel, getting acquainted with the feelings, mind and as result — to open the highest sides of self-knowledge and knowledge of the world.
Before reaching depths of the consciousness, it is necessary to get rid of everything that interferes with this process. Therefore the first step provides observance of ethical rules of conduct in society which have to help to improve relationship with other people and to lower a stress.
- exception of any violence (akhims);
- truthfulness of all statements (satyyu);
- refusal of theft (asteyu);
- respect for chastity (brakhmacharye);
- not money-making (aparigrakha).
Learn how to make to a namasta in yoga and in usual life.
It is possible to call a hole the universal vital law which is based on observance of the golden rule: Do not do another what you do not want to yourself. Without having coped with these requirements, to pass to the next stage of yoga it is simply useless.
It is not as difficult to live with the specified principles in real modern life as it seems. Just it is worth being honest with itself, to show mercy to surrounding living beings and to rejoice even to trifles.
It is important! To clean the mind, it is necessary to release all offenses. It is so simpler to reinterpret rules of the relation with relatives.
Having harmonized the relations with the outside world and having got rid of the main human defects, the person can rise by the second step — to Niyam. It can be characterized as self-discipline for the purpose of forming of the harmonious relations with an inner self.
- purity in all its manifestations (the speech, appearance and reason) — to a shauch;
- discipline — tapas;
- satisfaction — to a santosh;
- self-knowledge — svadhjyayu;
- belief in presence of Divine essence — to an ishvara-pranidhan.
For achievement of a goal at this stage from the person the wearing clean clothes, visit of the temple, performance personal meditative the technician and the most important — full cleaning of consciousness, thoughts and the speech of filth are required. It is necessary to thank the highest forces for everything that you have, directing attention in itself and practicing humility.
Asanas are special poses in yoga which are not less important, than an emotional and psychological spirit. The human body is considered temple of his soul therefore also care for it will be the integral component of spiritual growth.
Practicing asanas, people become more disciplined, concentrate attention on details better without what full meditation is impossible.
Important! It is impossible to perceive asanas as usual physical education. It only one of means of achievement of a spiritual enlightenment. Therefore, carrying out difficult acrobatic tricks and ignoring all other principles of the doctrine, the yogi to become it will not turn out.
This step is designed to expand borders of self-knowledge of the person by control of its breath. As our life completely consists of breaths and exhalations, it is possible to assume their direct impact on an intellectual and emotional part of activity of the person.
Having mastered certain respiratory technicians, yogina accumulate vital energy, thereby rejuvenating the organism and prolonging life.
In certain cases the pranayama practices in the form of the separate equipment (in a sitting position respiratory movements are carried out), but it is more often there is a component of the regular program.
The Yoga begins with this stage Raj. So call a condition of deepening in the inner world without derivation on external irritants. In other words, the pratyakhara provides concentration on own feelings and experiences, but not on examining of the world around or comparison of with other people.
Learn how to begin to practice house yoga.
As soon as feelings cease to move from one object to another, yogin will be able to look more fixedly at own experiences and to reconsider the internal installations which, perhaps, hamper its personal internal growth.
Successful passing of the previous steps guarantees success and on the sixth — the dharena, or concentration. This practice is intended to teach a yogan to slow down thought processes by fixing of attention on one mental object (for example, on a sound or an image).
If all previous requirements were fulfilled, then concentration will not become a problem. The main thing is to prevent attempts of wandering of reason when performing asanas or respiratory the technician.
If at a pratyakhara stage the main objective of a yogin is contemplation of itself, then in the dharena all attention has to be paid to one point. The long periods of concentration will inevitably lead to meditation.
Whether you know? On June 21 officially it is considered in the International afternoon of yoga on which honor in the different countries of the world various festivals are held. The first similar celebrations were organized rather recently — in 2015.
This step is continuation previous and assumes a continuous stream of concentration. However if the dharana is an attention only in one direction, then a dhyana — a condition of full mindfulness with lack of focusing, necessary at the previous stage.
At this stage of yoga of Patanjali the mind is completely quiet, any thoughts are absent. However, to reach a similar state, considerable forces and endurance are necessary.
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Even if at the correct implementation of requirements of all previous stages of desirable result it was not succeeded to receive from a dhyana, you should not despair, each step in yoga already in itself bears considerable value.
This finishing part of an ashtanga is regarded as achievement of absolute pleasure by merge to the chosen object and an exit of the consciousness for all established framework.
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To meditating understanding of close connection with a divine being comes. The thought that all live on Earth is interconnected does not leave a yogin.
How to reach a samadha: video If at initial steps of yoga of Patanjali all seems too difficult and unattainable, then closer to the end there is almost always certain mindfulness, and former experiences seem not such powerful. However to reach the truth and to feel the true pleasure, it is necessary to be infinitely devoted to practice and to accurately carry out all instructions.