Even at mature age it is possible to keep symmetry thanks to the bearing. The direct back is not only healthy backbone and beautiful gait, but also the correct digestion. It is possible to keep the bearing by means of simple exercises.
To have the healthy backbone and to keep the bearing, the special fitness complex including exercises for muscles of the back, the press, the neck and the shoulder girdle is necessary. It is possible to train in the gym or at home.
Weak belly muscles increase load of back muscles and vice versa.
For a start it is necessary to warm up. That muscles became obedient and elastic, the extension is necessary.
Sit down on the floor in the pose of "lotus". Relax shoulders, straighten the back. Without moving the torso, stretch the top up.
Now link palms in the lock behind the back, bend forward, having touched the floor by the forehead, and extend hands up. Kneel. Strain muscles of buttocks and the press, lower hands along the trunk. Slowly deviate back, without sitting down on heels. Try to touch feet by fingers of hands, but not to lean on palms. Now stick out the thorax forward, stretching the backbone in the upper part.
Performing exercises, you watch that load was placed on the back, but not on cervical department of the backbone.
Now start strengthening of the shoulder girdle. Lay down on the stomach, extend hands along the body. Slowly lift the top part of the trunk up, without leaning on palms. Sit down, having extended the backbone up. Part hands in the parties, having bent them in elbows. Lower one palm down, lift another up. Quickly, straining muscles of shoulders, change forearms. Sitting in the home position, put hands perpendicular to the body. Slowly turn the top part of the trunk, being twisted in chest department of the backbone. Now lower palms on the floor sideways from the basin and be slowly wrung out. Repeat exercise of, at least, 10 times on each party. After that you pass to exercises for the back. It is possible to begin this fitness complex with usual push-ups. If you aren't able to be wrung out, replace them with exercise under the name "dolphin". Lean forearms against the floor, having linked wrist lock grips. Socks of feet will be the second point of support. The body is extended in "string", the waist doesn't cave in, the press is intense. Slowly lift the basin up. Then fall to situation parallel to the floor. You watch that heels didn't move. For this purpose they can be set against the sofa or the wall. Very well ordinary "bridge" strengthens back muscles. Lay down on the floor, having bent legs in knees at right angle and having extended hands parallel to the trunk. Slowly lift the basin and be late in this situation for several seconds. Lying on the back, raise the top part of the trunk, having leaned against elbows. You hold legs straight lines, pull socks on yourself. As much as possible stick out the breast forward, having lowered the nape on the floor and at the same time caving in in the waist. Don't tear off the buttock from the floor. Repeat 10-15 times. Lay down the stomach on the padded stool or the soft stool. Lower the head and hands with dumbbells down. Now lift them, unbending shoulders and extending the neck forward. Record the body in such situation for 10 seconds. Lying on the stomach, close hands behind the back in the lock. On the exhalation raise the thorax and legs, as much as possible tearing off them from the floor. Carrying out this fitness complex at least every other day, you will notice soon that your gait became graceful and smooth, the belt was tightened, and the backbone became straight.